Wednesday, January 25, 2012

'Berserk' bus driver kills 9 in busy Indian streets

An on-duty bus driver went on a rampage on the crowded streets of a central Indian city Wednesday, killing nine people and injuring more than two dozen as he mowed down pedestrians and rammed other vehicles.

Police chased the bus for an hour through the streets of Pune, with traffic officers firing on it in an attempt to stop it, before they managed to arrest the 30-year-old driver. He is being held on murder charges.

The licensed bus driver reported for duty Wednesday morning and then "just went berserk," going off his normal route and slamming into people, cars, school buses, scooters and vegetable stands, Pune Police Commissioner Meeran Borwankar said.

Pedestrians tried to flee, with some throwing children out of the way of the oncoming bus, she said.

"He went on ramming vehicles, hitting pedestrians. He was in such a dangerous mood," Borwankar said.

Food stalls were reduced to piles of squashed produce and broken beams, while at least 40 cars were crushed.

The injured were being treated in three hospitals.

Officials have said nothing about a possible motive. The driver had no complaints against him before Wednesday, Borwankar said. Bus service officials are investigating.

The mayor of Pune, which is about 125 miles southeast of Mumbai, appealed for calm.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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