Tuesday, April 17, 2012

So... what else?: N is for Kira got a New fish (N is for the "New" of ...

Kira has 103 dollars in cash, about 80 dollars on her Amazon account and 35 dollars on her iTunes account. ?How does a twelve year old have so much money? ?I'll tell you how. ?She never buys anything EVER. ?She occasionally pays Sam a couple of bucks to do one of her chores, but other than that, she doesn't part with any of it. ?Until today. ?After a lot of thought, she decided to get another pet fish. ?She has had a beta fish for almost a year now and she takes care of it pretty well. ?He always has food, his tank is clean, and she's even trained him to follow her finger when she runs it along the tank. ?Seriously, he does it every time. ?So we went to Petco. ?Kira is so weird. ?On the way we were talking about all our pets. ?Here's a snippet of a conversation between Sam and her on the way to the store:

Kira: ?I think we should get the bird a vest.
Sam: ?She would HATE that!
Kira: ?I know.

Anyway, we got to the store and she painstakingly pored over every single beta they have. ?It took her about an hour to decide and she finally picked one. ?Finally. ?After that we decided to go to McDonalds for a quick lunch. ?She didn't want to leave the fish alone in the car so she brought him in. ?I asked her what she wanted for lunch and, while looking at her new pet she said, "I'll have a fish fillet." ?Creepy.

On the way home from our errands she asked to stop at the grocery store so she could get some pure water for the fish tank. ?She got a gallon. ?When we were back in the car Sam asked her, "What tank are you going to put them in?" and without skipping a beat or cracking a smile she said, "I'm just going to put them both in this jug." ?That made Sam and I laugh and she said, "What? ?You don't like fish jugs?" which made Sam laugh even harder, ?picturing a fish with boobs, but Kira didn't get it.

Come to think of it, I don't know if Sam got it either, but he was laughing pretty hard. ?Kira cleaned out her beta tank, put in the room divider and put in both fish, one per compartment.
That's her old fish, Knuckles, on the left. ?The new fish, temporarily named Fish is on the right. ?

ok go peyton manning super bowl go daddy nsx chad ochocinco roman numerals new england patriots

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