Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I really need advice... (new foster parent) - Forums

I really need advice... (new foster parent)

I'm a first-time foster parent, and my first placement (a 10 year old boy) came to me last May. We live near San Diego. He has been a great kid, we've bonded well, and while there have been challenges, things have proceeded relatively smoothly until about 6 weeks ago.

Being away from his home and family for so long has taken its toll, and he has become despondent, depressed, and even talks of suicide. He's barely pulling through school, doesn't have friends, and the situation has become extremely difficult to manage for me. I need to be with him nearly 24/7 (except for school), I'm working so hard on his depression and behavior that I'm completely overwhelmed and feel I can no longer handle it.

Our agency has been very slow in responding to our needs, but that's a different story. At this point in time, he is receiving some counseling but it hasn't helped much. Our worker says he won't be going home for at least another 6 months, probably longer.

Again, I'm new to fostering but feeling so overwhelmed now that I don't see how I can continue. I am only able to work part-time while dealing with this which is creating problems at work (and financially not sustainable), I get 4-5 hours a sleep a night, and as much as I've tried, I'm not getting much support from my agency - they just say "hang in there" and tell me they're working on his case.

I've made a commitment as a foster parent and to this boy, and I don't want to go back on it, and especially to the his needs. That being said, I don't feel that I really knew that I would be in the position to have to be with a seriously depressed boy constantly, take so much time off work, and be extremely stressed myself in trying to manage this.

What should I do? Do I tell my agency that I can no longer care for him, or that I have a time limit? I honestly hate to do that but feeling that my life is going down the tubes so fast I may not have a choice.

Any input would be helpful!


anna paquin

5 Top Traffic Sources to Build Your List | How to Start a Membership ...

Whether you manage a non-profit or own your own business you know how important it is to the health of your organization to have a vibrant and growing email list.

Huge email lists, can be bought or inherited but most commonly they are collected the old-fashioned way ? one at a time.

The website or ?vehicle? for collecting emails is known as a ?squeeze page?.

It?s called a ?squeeze? page because usually the only way to exit the page once you are on it, is to enter your email address and ?click? the ?submit? button ? thus? the page is ?squeezing? you into giving up your email address.

The squeeze page, is the true blue friend of anyone building a list, but they don?t work alone, meaning you can?t put them online and hope people will just find them and sign-up to your list.

To be successful you need to drive traffic to your squeeze page, and there are several ways to do this.

Here, we will cover five top traffic sources, which have generated a lot of success this year.

(This is in no particular order because one is not necessarily better than another in all scenarios.)

#1 Paid-For Ads, On High Ranking Websites

Paid-for or sponsored links are most commonly purchased through Bing?s ad-center or Google?s Adsense. This is also known as PPC advertising. The PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click as each click on your ad will require you to pay more.

This is considered one of the fastest but most expensive methods for generating traffic and building your list.

However, you must pay careful attention to the targeting parameters, and how your ad is written, if you only want to pay for and attract certain types of people to your squeeze page.??

#2 Banner Ads

Banner ads are quite similar to PPC ads, only that generally you pay one fee, which covers the cost of hosting your banner ad on some website for specific time-period.

Typically, a 125 by 125 ad placed on the sidebar of a website can be an economical method ? able to send laser targeted traffic to your squeeze page.

However, special care in the creation of your banner and in the choice of sites your banner will appear can make a huge difference in how effectively they will perform.

Banner ads also have another obstacle to overcome, that being ?banner blindness? so it may behoove you to get an experienced graphic designer to create it for you.

#3 Solo Ads

A solo ad is simply a marketing term for getting someone that already has an email list and paying them to send your squeeze page offer to their subscribers.

Non-profit organizations may accept trading ads, however entrepreneurs may need to find a Joint Venture partner if they want to trade ads. You can find people to trade with in the JV section of the Warrior Forum ( or at Safe-Swap (

It?s easy to find people with huge, highly targeted lists. How much the list owner believes your ad will effect the values of his or her list, how big the list is, and how targeted it is will all come into play when buying or trading solo ads.

Another consideration is how much more clout the ad is worth because when it?s sent via email from another party it essentially caries the recommendation of the list owner!?

#4? Directory of Ezines

The directory of ezines has recently been updated and we?ve been members of it for many years.? There you can find a lot of ezine editors that will let you send a solo ad to their lists (usually large lists) for less than half the price traditional solo ads cost. Of course, with ezines you?ll have to share space with other solo ads. You can think of it as buying an ad in a traditional magazine. You?ll lose some of the direct ?recommendation? mojo you?d get from a traditional solo ad, but if you can get a compelling image into an ezine you may do quite well!

#5 Pinterest

Pinterest is the new social media kid on the block. It really exploded this year in popularity. If you can create interesting images that beg to be shared, then Pinterest can drive a strong torrent of traffic to your squeeze page.

You?d simply create the ?sharable images? and post them on your Pinterest board attached to your website link.

As Pinterest is a social-media website, it will behoove you to also interact with the Pinterest community by sharing and re-pining, liking and commenting on other Pinterest member?s images and pin-boards!

#5 Your Signature and Profile Pages

Think of how many people you come into contact with throughout the day through email and social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Not to mention, you have no idea how many times an email you have sent once, will be forwarded.

Every one of these forms of communication allows you to permanently affix a link to your squeeze page.

But, no-matter what methods you use to drive traffic to your squeeze page the #1 factor that will contribute to it?s success still resides in the quality of your squeeze page itself!?

The only problem with making all those squeeze pages to build your lists up?

It?s super time consuming to do it all! Plus you need to be technical savvy to figure out all the HTML formatting, graphic placement, testing links, and fighting to integrate your auto-responder code?into pages and then putting it all together so a sales flow works properly after they sign up from your page.

The solution?

Our new Squeeze Ninja Software!

To make it all super easy for you we created this first truly point and click software

It used to be very time consuming to do this but not anymore :)

our new Squeeze Ninja software let?s you

- create unlimited campaigns on the fly

- build entire squeeze funnels in about 3 min

- monetize with your own products or done for you products

- spend less than half the price of inferior software

and so much more!

You?ll be able to build & profit from your lists faster & easier than ever before!

Just take a look at what some powerful list builders have had to say about our new ?Squeeze Ninja? software at:

We are using this in our own business and we think it?ll help you with yours as well.

To Your Success!

Warm Regards,
Jeremy & Simon

Tags: email marketing software, Jeremy Gislason, list building software, ninja squeeze, Simon Hodgkinson, squeeze ninja, squeeze ninja software, squeezejinja


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Borderlands 2 Graveyard Virus Infects Online Gamers | Video Game ...

Published: 30 October 2012 12:06 AM UTC

Posted in: News, Online, Online News, Xbox 360

Tags: 2k games, borderlands 2, News, Xbox 360, xbox live

At GamerSyndrome we focus a lot on Borderlands 2, and it?s definitely one of our favorite games of 2012. But a distressing new adversary threatens to ruin all our fun?and that of gamers worldwide. No, it isn?t the looming threat of Handsome Jack, but a pesky online infection known as the Graveyard Virus.

Right now gamers who play Borderlands 2 on Xbox LIVE can be infected, and once infected, the virus deletes and replaces your save file with a ?Graveyard file? which causes your character to automatically die as soon as you spawn and prevent re-spawning.

One of the most worrying elements of the virus is that it may be able to be transmitted through contact with an infected player, i.e. if an infected gamer joins a game, it may infect every other player in the lobby. This hasn?t been confirmed, but it?s best to play it safe and only join games with gamers you know.

Gearbox has already deployed a recent patch that aims at other fixes, but the Graveyard Virus continues to run rampant throughout Xbox LIVE, and hopefully Gearbox will be able to get the online menace under control. Gearbox has also issued a statement that advises gamers to avoid playing with random and suspicious players online and instead only play with trusted friends.

Another way to avoid this pesky virus is to make regular backups of your data on a USB stick, or automatically configure your Xbox 360 to save your data to the stick itself. Check the video below for helpful tips to avoiding the Graveyard Virus.
YouTube Preview Image


Article from

Related posts:

  1. A new patch for Borderlands 2 on XBox 360
  2. Borderlands 2 Inevitable?
  3. Borderlands Multiplayer Patch in the Works for PS3
  4. Borderlands: Special Steam Preorder Bundle
  5. Borderlands: Gameplay Montage


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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Education as Mimesis ? Matthew Kruger-Ross

Education as Mimesis

For EDUC 901
29 October 2012

It is the third or fourth session of Stephen?s Curriculum Studies colloquium and I experience the sensation of stepping outside my body to watch and listen to myself share a particular insight I?ve pulled from the reading and current discussion to my prior experience. As I approach a phrase I mean to use ironically, I raise my hands to insert air quotes and my mouth forms to produce a distinct clicking noise. Time stops. My peers and Stephen stare at me. I?ve just imitated Kieran and I acknowledge as such as an aside and the room erupts in laughter. Where did this come from? I did not do it consciously; it just happened.


The goal in the next few pages is to explore the relationship between mimesis and education. Mimetics ? mimesis, imitation, mimicry ? is largely absent from educational conversations (excluding the ones included below, of course). I have hunches as to the reasons for why mimesis has fallen out of favor and plan to weave them through an analysis of perspectives on mimetics. The question that elicited this analysis originally concerned the virtues and ethics of mimesis in education, but it is the pragmatic that demands a shift in the question to an understanding of mimesis in the practice of pedagogy. Put bluntly, we (as participants in educational endeavors) are already always engage in mimesis ? so why not understand just what we are doing?

Personal and Current Contexts

We all would like to think that we are our own person, independent of any one else. We are told from birth (and as adults in every diversity training program) that we are unique. Pluralism at its best is the simultaneous acknowledgement and celebration of multiple perspectives. Plato?s critique of the poets in The Republic, Itard?s work with socializing Victor, and Locke?s focus on the virtuous gentleman calls these everyday presuppositions into question. How does mimesis occur in the everyday life of a school and, more broadly, in teaching and learning? As easy as it would be to ignore and explain away the phenomenon, something is left undone by not exploring it further.

At present Western culture is obsessed with owning and possessing ideas in the same way as owning cars, houses, and cell phones. In the age of digital technologies and global communication capabilities, is it possible ? is it realistic ? to attribute and own ideas? This begins a (dangerous) change of pace: Where does ownership lie when a student learns (absorbs) another?s idea? (e.g. from Plato, Locke, etc.). In due time I will call upon the ideas of others and reference their contributions to understandings of mimesis. Are they my ideas? Or are they simply the other writers that I cite? Is it a combination? Copyright law and traditional conceptualizations of who owns what have been transformed by the revolution in digital communications. Plagiarism is a damning offense in academia; you must cite and footnote and when in doubt, cite and footnote again.

Returning to how imitation and mimesis occurs within the realm of ideas and educational life, consider teacher identity. Is a teacher truly an innovative educator or are they imitating practices that have been deemed as good teaching? Considering content and curricula; Whose knowledge is being passed on to children (or constructed in children?s minds depending on your philosophical bent)? In what ways are teachers role models for students insomuch as we expect that student will embody the teacher?s own behavior and beliefs? How do students influence each other in their learning? Influence and model are concepts that attempt to name mimesis but lack a full expression of the phenomenon. Donald?s (1991) framework of mimetic culture will be helpful in moving forward.

Mimetic Culture

Merlin Donald in his book Origins of the Modern Mind (1991) presents a theory of human cognitive development grounded in evolution that offers an interesting perspective on mimesis in the generation of human culture. Put extremely simply, over time man evolved through cultural frameworks that involved the integration of specific cognitive tools that assisted in the development of humans. Beginning with primates, the first humans existed in an Episodic Culture, transitioned to a Mimetic Culture, then to a Mythic Culture, and finally to the External Symbolic Storage and Theoretic Culture. Donald argues that the Mimetic Culture was the critical mediator between the transition from ape to human (p. 162). Instead of relying solely on episodic memory (the core of the Episodic Culture), hominids in the Mimetic Culture transitioned into interactions and relationships based on intentional mimetic representation. ?Mimesis rests on the ability to produce conscious, self-initiated, representational acts that are intentional but not linguistic? (Donald, 1991, p. 168, emphasis added). Within this developmental model of cognition, language does not appear until the Mythic cultural stage.

Mimetic representation operates in multiple modalities and includes gestures, facial expressions, and tone of voice. Donald?s framework posits that mimesis was key for the development of social groups, norms, and, ultimately, ?the first truly human culture? (1991, p. 193). The obvious lack of language in mimetic culture is intriguing. Without words and grammar, mimetic representation allowed for the development of tools, games, play, dance and other rituals that over time developed into the foundations of social structure. Mimesis remains central even to modern cultures: ?No matter how evolved our oral-linguistic culture, and no matter how sophisticated the rich varieties of symbolic material surrounding us, mimetic scenarios still form the expressive heart of human social interchange? (Donald, 1991, p. 189). From the perspective offered by this developmental model for human cognition, mimetic representation is not only integral to human culture but it is impossible to ignore.

Donald?s developmental framework situates mimesis as ?the most basic medium of human communication? (p. 188). Adopting this presupposition, we move to Plato, Itard, and Locke?s treatment of mimetics concerning teaching and learning.

Mimesis in Education: Plato, Itard, Locke

Plato tackles mimesis in Books III and X in The Republic. Mimetic representation of the epic poets, and in particular Homer, is Plato?s target. He creates a distinction between the (1) simple narrative and (2) mimesis in the sharing of a poet?s story. Simple narrative is appropriate and acceptable while mimetic poetry is forbidden. In the oral presentation of the poem a poet is not to imitate or embody the personae of the character who is speaking or acting. Imitation is dangerous for the listeners and for the virtuous man/city. Plato does not necessarily argue for the banishment of the oral tradition, but a severe censorship. If humans are to have a mind then their charge in life is to learn to think for himself and identify what is true about the world as it is, not trusting mere imitations of the world. Plato?s critique of the need for the philosopher-kings? censorship of the poets situates the value and nature of art in human culture. With an eye to education, Plato would be wary of mimetic representation on the part of the teacher. Simple truths may be acceptable, but imitating another would be too risky for the greater good.

Itard?s Wild Boy of Aveyron offers a direct educational implementation of mimetic representation and mimetic theory, approach that is enacted to this day in Montessori schools (Ross, 2012). Itard takes Victor into his care and attempts to assimilate him into human society. While Victor is spoken at/to during his training it is presupposed that he cannot engage linguistically. The communication between Itard and Madame Gu?rin to Victor is based in imitating gestures and bodily movements. Considering Plato?s argument that humans should not be imitating truth but rather focused on identifying truth in and of itself, Victor?s mimetic behavior would suggest a certain emptiness, a going-through-the-motions without meaning or understanding. The features of mimetic culture that Donald (1991) suggests are demonstrate in the film. Victor communicates his needs and desires via bodily gestures and vocal grunting. What remains questionable is where mimetic representation transitions into learning and embodied knowing. Is Victor acting out meaningless (for him) actions as he is ?taught? his alphabet? Within the lens of Donald?s mimetic culture, would Victor have been able to absorb and transition more quickly? More efficiently? Can Donald?s developmental theory even be applied in this way?

Locke?s model for an ideal education, beyond the body, virtue, and academic curriculum, frames educational encounters as a series of conversations between the student and other learned, virtuous gentlemen. Connecting the mimetic cultures of the past, Donald (1991) threads mimetic culture to the present by referencing the Vygotskian pedagogy. Specifically, Vygotsky?s zone of proximal development (ZPD) is presented as a modern mimetically-based tool for teaching and learning. The types of conversations proposed by Locke seem to suggest the context of Vygotsky?s ZPD; communication cannot be too difficult or too simple but just right to encourage learning. In the modern day classroom this continues to evolve in the heterogeneous groupings minds so that the smarter will rub off on the not-as-smart. The result, in theory, is for the not-as smart minds to imitate the smarter and thereby becoming smarter. The conclusion is commonsensical and is, essentially, Locke?s argument that to educate a virtuous gentleman he must be surrounded by other virtuous individuals. Is this all that bad?

Concluding Thoughts and So what?

Kemp (2006) attempts the salvation of mimesis in education by approaching the phenomenon tangentially via hermeneutics. While mimesis has been pushed to the edge of pedagogy (Kemp describes it as repressed), understanding the teacher-student relationship is impossible without it. In education we traditionally focus on the formation of students. Drawing on Paul Ric?ur?s theory of narrative, Kemp reconnects mimesis to education:

We form and teach ourselves the moment we appropriate stories and ideas?which is a re-figuration. This is the actual mimesis, the creative representation (the putting forth) of a ?hermeneutic identity? ? We can only retrieve the narrative?s meaning because we already are familiar with the meaning given by the everyday world in which we live and in relation to which we understand the meaning of actions, goals, means, success, defeat and so forth. (Kemp, 2006, pp. 175-176)

Kemp references Aristotle?s critique of Plato?s denunciation of the poets in The Republic in ultimately framing all of culture as series of mimetic acts. Education, however, continues to resist mimesis: ?Today the position is that we in no way mimic anything in the process of learning? (Kemp, 2006, 177). This is not the case in other contexts; athletes imitate their coaches, musicians imitate their tutors, and craftspeople work as apprentices to masters. While a full exploration of the roots of the falling out of favor of imitation within the teacher-student relationship is beyond the scope of this analysis, the separation between pedagogy and mimesis begins with Plato and Aristotle and continues through time into neoclassicism, romanticism, and protestantism.

Returning again to Donald?s (1991) distinction of mimesis as intentional representation, it is clearer that an additional distinction needs to be made ? the phenomenon of unintentional imitation or pre-consciousness mimesis. Locke?s conceptualization of the education of a virtuous gentlemen relies on covert imitation. Itard?s work with Victor was focused, transparent, and intentional mimesis. But what of unintentional mimetic representation? In what ways are educators and students acting out (unconsciously imitating) particular ways of being that are not their own? Or are these imitations their own? Even with the distinction of intentional and unintentional imitation, does an escape route exist?

?Mimesis must be understood as a productive imitation that enters into all individual formation and education? (Kemp, 2006, 183). The question is not whether education should acknowledge imitation as a tool for teaching and learning but rather how mimesis should be integrated into the pedagogical context.

The teacher is the representative of the historical community. The teacher, highly?critical or not, is the intermediary of traditions, for even critiques must be based on premises and conceptions of man in order to be sound. Consequently, the teacher has something to offer the student, something to be imitated; the teacher cannot merely be the occasion that spurs the student to bring out truths hidden inside. The best teacher is the one who can make his or her student autonomous. Mimesis must be a creative imitation, and that naturally can only happen if the student appreciates the teacher?even when considering a particular teacher as the best teacher for him or herself. The teacher forms the student, but the student forms him or herself through the choice of teacher he or she wants to follow as the master. (Kemp, 2006, 183)

Creative mimesis is the term used to reframe imitation within pedagogy. There is an expectation that the student (apprentice) will imitate the actions and behaviours of the master and ultimately move just beyond the skill and creativity of the master. If mimetic representation is conscious, if it is distinguishable, something can be done with it. What needs attention is not a resolving or diminishing, but an acknowledging and embodying.


Donald, Merlin (1991). Origins of the modern mind. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Itard, J.M.G. The Wild Boy of Aveyron.

Kemp, P. (2006). Mimesis in Educational Hermeneutics. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 38(2), 171?184. doi:10.1111/j.1469-5812.2006.00186.x

Locke, John. Some Thoughts concerning Education. Hackett Pub Co Inc ISBN: 0872203344

Plato, The Republic. Dover. ISBN: 0486411214

Ross, S. (2012). The Montessori Method: The Development of a Healthy Pattern of Desire in Early Childhood. Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture, 19(1), 87?122. doi:10.1353/ctn.2012.0004

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Monday, October 29, 2012

Improve your Sporting Goods retail business with ChainDrive ...

Sporting goods stores have been able to experience continuous success even through hard economic times thanks to the ever-present desire for equipment and apparel related to some of the country?s favorite pastimes. Whether a customer is looking for a jersey of his or her favorite player, a baseball bat to practice with, athletic wear to play sports in, or any other sport-related product, a strong sporting goods retail business should be able to provide them with the products they need at the prices they deserve. Managing this kind of business is no easy task, however. It requires a thorough understanding of the market and of the cycle of sports throughout the seasons. Thankfully, ChainDrive retail management software has tools in place that are specifically designed to make sporting goods retail management a breeze. With features like seasonal planning and user-definable attributes, you can organize and develop strategies at the highest levels possible.

With Seasonal Planning, you will be able to develop outlines for allocation, replenishment, pricing, and other important business-related tasks by the season. Since sports are a very seasonal activity, you need to emphasize the popular ones at the right times and offer price cuts for those that are phasing out. This will maximize profit and customer satisfaction at the same time. Seasonal Planning is a must-have tool for sporting goods retail professionals ? it?s the most organized and comprehensive way to ensure that your business is at its best every week of the year.

ChainDrive also lets you apply user-definable attributes to any and all products in your inventory. That means that you can make your own customized categories for products related to a specific sport, team, or even player. Use this to effectively organize your inventory so that you can make mass changes without having to pick and choose individual items out of an extensive list. Create groups for sports, seasons, styles, and whatever else works for you best.

Use ChainDrive software to become the strongest sporting goods business in town!


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Interviews: At The Gates ? ?We're not writing new songs.? (An ...

Swedish heavy metal pioneers At The Gates will this year join the ranks of Nasum by touring Australia for the first time in 2012, after a career or more than two decades. At The Gates are legendary within the metal community, sparking up interest for new bands and directly influencing movements within the death metal genre.

The group is notorious for its on-again-off-again career, but have been going strong after re-forming in 2007 for live shows. Metal Obsession talks to vocalist and founding member Toman Lindberg.

Metal Obsession: Hey Tomas, obviously we?re speaking in regard to your well-publicised debut Australian tour ? how does it feel to be coming out for the first time?

Tomas Lindberg: This is the first time coming to Australia with this project, I have toured with other projects of course but with this one it?s the first time, yeah ? it feels good.

MO: You guys have been around since the 1990s, have you had the chance to come to Australia before?

TL: We had the opportunity to come out before the band split up for the first time and again in 2008, but things were hectic then and we just couldn?t manage the trip, but I have heard a lot of good things about Australia from friends and other bands. So it will be good to get out there.

MO: ?I understand you have a full-time job, what makes you keep on going with the band?

TL: Well, I just like to keep busy, you know, I get more tired doing nothing. I get more tired when I?m not doing anything ? sometimes I think I might like to sit around at home and do nothing, but I do a full week?s work, two rehearsals on Friday and I just want to sit at home. But if there is a good band playing on the weekend ? ?you go and you get more energy.

MO: Do you prefer your life now, or would you rather be playing full-time?

TL: There?s been times that I supported myself and family from just being a musician. It?s pretty harsh sometimes but good when one pay check arrives. Then you have to hassle record companies to get paid from somewhere else, then you have got to tour to pay bills and then there?s doing stuff for the wrong reasons.?At least for me, I?m not saying other people, but there are dangers.

MO: How do you mean?

TL: I?m saying if you stat having a professional career in music, it?s not saying it happens to all of them, but living off music there are dangers. ?You say yes to stuff you shouldn?t have done if you didn?t have to.

MO: Like what?

TL: Tours, you know, you?ll be called on to tour when you?re feeling tired or uninspired just to pay bills. People will be asking you to do recordings when you don?t really want to do it.

MO: So it kills the artistic element of music?

TL: Exactly, if you have a full-time job that pays the bills ? I can only speak for myself ? but it means I only do stuff I really want to do and feel inspired about doing.

MO: Well, speaking of feeling inspired ? are you guys writing at the moment?

TL: We are not writing new songs.

MO: Why not?

TL: Well, basically, it?s one of those things where we have reformed for live purposes only and saying that, we said 2008 was our last shows ? now it?s 2012 and we?re still doing shows -so I learned to keep my mouth shut about things like that. If something happens, it happens, but we are not writing.

MO: Do you think you will in the future?

TL: Basically, it?s a thing where people have perceptions about what the new record should be and probably their own thoughts about us doing it. ?Since we haven?t done it since 1995, it?s harder for us to do a new recording than if the band hadn?t existed for so much time. There are so many preconceptions of what we would come out with. As soon as there?s preconceptions there?s a possibility for disappointment.

It?s quite hard to compete ?with other people?s expectations. When we were recording it was because of the need to express ourselves as a unit and didn?t care at the time.

MO: I guess that makes more sense. Speaking of creativity, Sweden is notorious for producing amazing artists ? what is it about that place?

TL: You have a scene, a lot of cities have different scenes, but a lot of bands will focus on that scene?s style. Sweden is what you would call a safe country. We have a pretty good welfare system, there is actually spare time in which to create good music, you are untroubled. We have a pretty good life here, actually, there?s time to go to rehearsals and money to pay for rehearsals.

MO: It sounds like a good life! Well, time?s getting close ? do you think there?s anything left to achieve that you haven?t already, do you have any goals left?

TL: There?s always new stuff, when there?s not new stuff to explore or achieve ? you should call it quits, you know? I mean, what we do every night now might not be re-inventing the wheel or something, but we?re with new people every night ?- it?s such an overwhelming experience, when we play live now it?s s a kick. When you feel you?ve done enough, it happens instantly ? it?s time to move onto something else. There?s always new stuff to try with other people.


Make sure to catch AT THE GATES on their upcoming Australia. This will be the first and perhaps only time you?ll ever see the band perform in Australia.

Wednesday 31?October The HiFi Brisbane 18+
With The Fevered +? In Death

Tickets from? The?HIFI & Moshtix outlets including Kill The Music, Butterbeats CBD & Valley, Gooble Warming and Atlantis?Music?Southport

Thursday 1?November Metro Theatre Sydney 18+

With Katabasis +? As Silence Breaks

Tickets?from Ticketek on 132 849 or? Metro Theatre Box Office 02 9550 3666?

Friday 2?November Billboard Melbourne 18+
With Be?Lakor + Eye of the Enemy

Tickets?from Ticketek on 132 849 or?, Moshtix?on 1300 438 849,? Moshtix outlets including Polyester Records and?Fist2Face 03 9095 7911

Saturday 3?November Capitol Perth 18+

With I Am Eternal +? Befallen

Tickets?from Moshtix on 1300 438 849 or?,?, Star Surf, Planet Video, Mills or 78?s.


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New Earth Photo Just Shows Sandy's Massive Size

If you had any doubts about the scale of frankenstorm Sandy, check out NASA's latest image to see its size compared to the entire planet. It was taken by NOAA's GOES-13 satellite this morning, October 28 at 9:02AM EDT. More »


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Latest Hurricane Sandy's Satellite Photos and Videos (Updating Live)

If you had any doubts about the scale of frankenstorm Sandy, check out NASA's latest global Earth image to see its size compared to the entire planet. We are now updating this post with images, video and warnings from NASA, NOAA and other sources as they arrive. More »


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Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday Ad Video Game Deals (10/28/12 to 11/3 ... - Cheap Ass Gamer

Best Buy discounts the Nintendo 3DS by $10. The 100% bonus on trade-ins continues.

GameStop offers the Street Fighter x Tekken PS3/Vita bundle for $49.99.

Kmart advertises Assassins Creed 3 for $49.99 + $10 gaming coupon. WWE 13 and NFS: Most Wanted $59.99 both come with a $15 gaming coupon. SYWR members get a $5 reward card when they spend $50.

Target is holding a buy 2, get 1 free sale on all games. The Wii Sports bundle drops to $119 and the Nintendo 3DS is $145.

Toys R Us has no ad this week.

The Rest of the Deals...
All MRSP prices have been removed.

Best Buy (Ad)
Thanks, coopscohen - See post here

100% Bonus Trade-In Credit on ANY Game
Nintendo 3DS $159.99 after $10 savings

GameStop (Ad)

Valid until 10/30

Resident Evil: ORC $19.99
Mass Effect 3 $19.99
Street Fighter x Tekken PS3/Vita bundle $49.99
Witcher 2 $29.99
Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition $19.99
SSX $19.99
Lollipop Chainsaw $19.99
Batman AA GOTY $14.99
Batman Arkham City GOTY $29.99
Lego Batman 2 $14.99
30% TIV Credit towards Assassins Creed 3

Kmart (Ad)
Thanks, htz- See post here

Assassins Creed 3 $49.99 with $10 gaming coupon <---Not a typo AC3 is really advertised on sale for $49.99 plus you get a $10 gaming coupon.

Buy a PSVita get the PSVita Starter Kit ($40 value) FREE *Official Sony Starter Kit*

WWE 13 $59.99 with $15 gaming coupon

NFS: Most Wanted $59.99 with $15 gaming coupon

Zelda Skyward Sword $34.99
New Super Mario Bros. Wii $39.99
Mario Party 9 $39.99

Spend $50 or more get a $5 award card. It works on video games by the way. Valid only 10/28/12 - 10/31/12 and you need to be a shop your way rewards member. Limit one per transaction.

Target (Ad)
Thanks, Twitter - See post here

Buy 2 games, get 1 free (must be different titles)
Wii Sports bundle is $119
Nintendo 3DS is $145

Toys R Us (Ad)

no ad this week


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