Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I really need advice... (new foster parent) - Forums

I really need advice... (new foster parent)

I'm a first-time foster parent, and my first placement (a 10 year old boy) came to me last May. We live near San Diego. He has been a great kid, we've bonded well, and while there have been challenges, things have proceeded relatively smoothly until about 6 weeks ago.

Being away from his home and family for so long has taken its toll, and he has become despondent, depressed, and even talks of suicide. He's barely pulling through school, doesn't have friends, and the situation has become extremely difficult to manage for me. I need to be with him nearly 24/7 (except for school), I'm working so hard on his depression and behavior that I'm completely overwhelmed and feel I can no longer handle it.

Our agency has been very slow in responding to our needs, but that's a different story. At this point in time, he is receiving some counseling but it hasn't helped much. Our worker says he won't be going home for at least another 6 months, probably longer.

Again, I'm new to fostering but feeling so overwhelmed now that I don't see how I can continue. I am only able to work part-time while dealing with this which is creating problems at work (and financially not sustainable), I get 4-5 hours a sleep a night, and as much as I've tried, I'm not getting much support from my agency - they just say "hang in there" and tell me they're working on his case.

I've made a commitment as a foster parent and to this boy, and I don't want to go back on it, and especially to the his needs. That being said, I don't feel that I really knew that I would be in the position to have to be with a seriously depressed boy constantly, take so much time off work, and be extremely stressed myself in trying to manage this.

What should I do? Do I tell my agency that I can no longer care for him, or that I have a time limit? I honestly hate to do that but feeling that my life is going down the tubes so fast I may not have a choice.

Any input would be helpful!


anna paquin

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