Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Self Improvement - WesLive: Wesleyan's Community Blog ...

Reblogged from: Voices - Wesleyan Student Blogs. (Go to the original post?)

Despite my improvements to my study habits, I?m still not where I want to be academically. I failed my chemistry test. It was a seven-question test, and I only had time to answer four, showing that I didn?t have a true mastery of the material like I believed I did. As a small (very, very small) silver lining, the percentage I received means that I was almost entirely correct on the questions I was able to answer.

In response to the test, I have devised a new schedule with the intention of keeping class material fresh in my mind. My basic goals are to study each class every day and finish all assignments/review sheets three days before they are required to cut down on stress and so I have time to study the way I need to. Whether this will work or not is still up for judgment. I have two more tests tomorrow: one in Global Changes and Infectious Disease, and one in Foundations of Contemporary Psychology. I?m not worried about these tests, but I wasn?t worried about chemistry either, so I need to stay on my toes and keep studying.

Rehearsal for the play is going very well. I feel like I?m getting to know my characters. One character I have envisioned as Radar O?Reilly from M*A*S*H, which I love. My character John Surratt?s accent is based off of Val Kilmer in Tombstone (very strong southern accent) yet I see him as a more comical character.

On another positive note, my friend Kayla has been in basic training for the past couple of months, and has just this weekend been able to text me again. I have missed her very much, and it makes me happy to hear from her again. She?s the kind of person that you can talk to no matter what, and she is, without a doubt, the best person I know. It?s really awesome that I can talk to her again, and I?m happy for her as well. Basic was the first time she had really been on her own as she has yet to go to school (she plans on going to culinary school). She enjoyed being on her own and plans on moving in with her girlfriend when she gets back to Kentucky in December.

I?ve often heard that when you?re in college you can choose two of three things to possess. You have to choose between good grades, a social life, and sleep. Somehow I?m not doing something right. The social life thing? doesn?t really bother me. People annoy me and, excluding the five or so people on campus I really enjoy being around, I couldn?t care less about socializing. So I should be able to sleep right? Wrong! I?m not sure why, but I?ve always had trouble sleeping. I?ve been taking doxylamine (generic Unisom) to help me, but the dosage always seems to be off. A full pill makes me draggy all day and half of a pill doesn?t seem to do anything. I am going to attempt to take a half pill tonight. If it doesn?t help, then I?m going to give up on the meds and possibly get an appointment at Davison to see if they can help me. My friend keeps telling me not to take medication and instead start exercising more. That?s very sensible advice, and I would take it if I could. However with studying and rehearsal, the most exercise I have time for is walking to class. Perhaps if my grades improve after my next round of tests, I?ll find a way to work in some exercise. Until then I?m just going to have to sleep when I can, as my focus absolutely has to be on my academics. Wesleyan and QuestBridge have given me a great opportunity here. While I may be having trouble making the most of it, there?s no way in hell I?m going to stop trying.

Source: http://community.blogs.wesleyan.edu/2012/11/05/self-improvement/

turbo tax

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