Saturday, February 9, 2013

K2 Bumps Challenge for Breast Cancer Awareness | Skiing for ...

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On Saturday February 23rd the 2nd Annual?K2 Bumps Callenge for Breast Cancer Awareness? kicks off at Taos Ski Valley, NM.?This event is like a walk-a-thon, except instead of walking around a flat boring high school track participants will be raging as many runs down the infamous Al?s Run under Taos?s Chair 5 as possible in 4 hours to raise funds for Breast Cancer Awareness.?You can register for the event and let your skiing help out some ladies here.?If you are interested in donating keep reading??

Al?s is 1800 vert of mean and participants are all going to be really tired by the end of 4 hours of sprinting down steep moguls as fast as possible.?Last year there was a competitive vibe in the air and fund raisers were hopeful to get 16+ runs in during the time period.

By the time the event finished four competitors had completed 20+ runs. I finished 4th place with 20 knee bashing laps. ?Local brother/sister combo Cam and Katie Gillen completing 21 and 20 runs, good for 1st and 3rd place respectively. 2nd place went to SLC/Taos based ripper Joe Augustine. (21 runs) Joe also raised the most money af all participants at nearly $2,000.?

You can donate a flat amount, or pledge a dollar amount per run.?Either away you are supporting Breast Cancer Awarness and helping out some boobies in need. If you want to pledge an amount per run please email or facebook me your pledge prior to 2/21/13.

Last year the event was a huge success and I am hoping that with your support it can be an even larger success this year. Please make a flat donation to event through my fundraiser page at here.

Check out the Facebook Page.

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