Friday, March 16, 2012

HTC EVO 3D hboot rollback method found, but not for the timid


As many an EVO 3D user will tell you, the 1.5 hboot that came with the latest update has been a bit of a thorn in the side of Android hackers. That may soon be coming to an end, and users at XDA -Developers have found a method to roll back to an earlier version that is a bit more development friendly. But everything isn't rosy just yet.

The current method is pretty tricky on paper. You need to use Linux, and there's lots of critical timing and other things to go wrong. There's also a question about the data connection afterwards to keep you from diving in feet-first. Give the folks working on this one a bit more time and they'll likely have a handle on things -- that's what they do. We just wanted to share the news for those who've been waiting. Hit the source link for all the gory details.

Source: XDA-Developers. Thanks, Cody!


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