Thursday, August 30, 2012

Stunning Hubble Telescope 'Hidden Treasures' Revealed in Photo Contest

Swirling galaxies, glowing nebulas and shimmering stars: these are the winners in a public contest to unearth beautiful images from the horde of unprocessed data collected by the Hubble Space Telescope.

The gorgeous pictures many of us associate with the Hubble Space Telescope don't come fully formed as we see them. In fact, the famous photos are the product of significant work on the part of scientists who sort through, process and transform the raw data into photogenic form. But Hubble collects so much data that researchers can only process a certain amount of it into aesthetic beauty. The rest is used for scientific study, but remains visually lackluster.

In an effort to harvest some of these unsung gems, NASA and the European Space Agency, which run the telescope, invited the public to pore through the archive of more than a million pictures taken by Hubble and transform the images themselves.

"The vast amount of data in the archive means that there are still many hundreds of beautiful images scattered among the valuable, but visually unattractive, scientific data that have never been enjoyed by the public," Hubble officials wrote in a statement. "We call these pictures Hubble's hidden treasures, and a few months ago, we invited the public to look through Hubble's science archive to help us find them." [Gallery: See all 21 Hubble Hidden Treasures Photo Winners]

More than 3,000 entries poured in under two categories: processed images, as well as unprocessed photos that were nonetheless beautiful but had been left hidden in the collection.?

The top winner for image processing wasJosh Lake, who created a gorgeous image of the star-forming region NGC 1763 in the nearby Large Magellanic Cloud dwarf galaxy.

Hubble had observed this area in different bands, separating out the light from glowing hydrogen and nitrogen. Although these two gases would both appear reddish to the human eye, Lake colored one blue and the other red to highlight the contrast between the two elements and reveal the underlying structure of the region. Lake's image, which won both the jury's vote and the public vote, was awarded an Apple iPad as well as various other prizes, including a book, DVD, poster, and an autographed photo of an astronaut who'd visited Hubble.

The winner in the image search category was Brian Campbell, who uncovered an unprocessed, yet striking, photo of the barred spiral galaxy NGC 6300. The swirling bright light of the galaxy glimmers against a background of stars with dark blotches of dust creating interesting patterns in the light. Campbell was awarded an?iPod Touch, as well as a poster, wall print, book and DVD.

Here are the other winners:

Image Processing Prize:

First prize and winner of the public vote: Josh Lake, star-forming region NGC 1763

Second prize: Andre van der Hoeven, spiral galaxy Messier 77

Third prize: Judy Schmidt, star XZ Tauri

Fourth prize: Renaud Houdinet, nebula Chamaeleon I

Fifth prize: Robert Gendler, spiral galaxy Messier 96

Sixth prize: Claude Cornen, SNR 0519-69

Seventh prize: Josh Barrington, PK111-2.1

Eighth prize: Flickr user kyokugaisha1, NGC 1501

Ninth prize: Nick Rose, Abell 68

Tenth prize: Nikolaus Sulzenauer, dwarf galaxy IC 10

Basih Image Searching Prize:

First prize: Brian Campbell, NGC 6300

Second prize: Alexey Romashin, V* PV Cephei

Third prize: Luca Limatola, IRAS 14568-6304

Fourth prize: Kathlyn Smith, NGC 1579

Fifth prize: Adam Kill, B 1608+656

Sixth equal prize: Kathy van Pelt, NGC 4490

Sixth equal prize: Ralf Schoofs, NGC 4217

Eighth prize: Matej Novak, NGC 6153

Ninth prize: Gavrila Alexandru, NGC 7814

Tenth prize: Linda Morgan-O?Connor, NGC 7026

The public vote was won by Budeanu Cosmin Mirel for NGC 4100

The Hubble Space Telescope has been snapping photos of the universe since its launch in April 1990. The orbiting space observatory is a joint mission by NASA and the European Space Agency.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Individual Development Plan: Eating Top Brain Foods- Part 1 | The ...

Individual-Development-PlanEating healthy should be part of anyone?s individual development plan, but it is also important to understand what foods offer the best benefits to your brain as well as your ? ?body.? There are many foods that offer improved memory, cognitive ability and may even prevent Alzheimer?s disease.


These odd-looking creatures of the sea, often touted as aphrodisiacs, also offer benefits to the brain.? Adding oysters to your diet as part of your individual development plan and goals may increase your ability to recall information and sharpen your mind.? This is due to the rich concentration of zinc and iron that allow people to stay focused and remember.

Whole Grains

Although almost everyone who has added weight loss as a personal development goal understands the benefits of whole grains, many do not know of the benefits whole grains can have on the brain.? Whole grains are high in folate and vitamin B6, which contains thiamine.? Thiamine improves memory, while folate increases the blood flow to the brain.

Green or Black Tea

Replacing one of your cups of coffee in the morning with green or black tea helps keep your brain sharp and fresh throughout the day.? In addition, the catechins found in tea relax your brain, which helps you fight mental fatigue, which is often a personal development goal for many people.


Rich in vitamin B12 and lecithin, eggs reduce the naturally occurring brain shrinkage as we age.? However, limit eggs to one or two per day because they are high in cholesterol, which can be a problem for some people.


A spice commonly used in Indian foods, curry contains antioxidants that fight brain aging and help maintain cognitive functions.? In addition, curry helps fight free radical damage that can cause inflammation in the brain.

TSTN has an on-demand personal development training library that contains over 300 online training programs with the legends of the self-improvement industry.? View our SuccessCast featuring Donna Krech- The Victory Principal to get a taste of what we offer.? Then, learn more by visiting us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest. Also, to learn more about individual development plan tips for eating healthier foods for the brain, stay tuned for our?part two blog.


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The human mind is perhaps the most powerful force on earth yet we only use 10% of our minds. It seems crazy when you think about it, only 10%. When you think of how powerful the human mind is, and all of the great technology and conveniences we have created, it is hard to imagine that all that was done by only using 10% of our minds. Imagine if we could use 90%!

The mind is a powerful tool and can be used for your own personal development towards success. However, if you do not use your mind properly it can have the opposite effect. People who think negative thoughts all the time often have bad or negative things happen to them but those who can get in the habit of thinking positive thoughts will reap the rewards of this type of thinking.

One way to tap into your mind power is to try to be aware of what you are thinking. Most of us go through the day just letting our mind go about its business recording memories and spewing up thoughts about what is happening. Very few people actually think about what they are thinking about.

However, controlling your thoughts is key to your personal development and success. In fact, many of the most successful people have great control over what they were thinking. Perhaps you have seen the movie the secret. The basis of this, the Universal law of attraction, has a lot to do with choosing and controlling your thoughts.

The thing is that your thoughts are pure energy and they attract like energy so what you are thinking and what you believe in your mind is what you attract into your life. Therefore, you can use the power of your mind to make your life the way you want it to be. In fact, many believe that you can use this mind power to bring you money, relationships and even to lose weight and heal illness. Surely you must have heard of people who miraculously recovered from a terminal illness simply by their faith or belief that they could?

What you think on the surface, or your conscious mind, is eventually changed into beliefs or truths in your subconscious mind. It is simply by thinking the same thing repeatedly that this happens. You might have been programmed since you were a small child to think that you will never succeed at work. All these years of thinking this have turned into a belief in your subconscious mind. However, simply by starting to think differently - by changing your thoughts from a negative to positive you will start to change your beliefs and thoughts and see positive changes in your life.

One thing you can start to do right away is be aware of your thoughts - are you thinking a negative thought right now? Stop thinking in the negative and start thinking in the positive especially when it comes to things about yourself and your life - just try it and you may be surprised at the changes you see.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Choose Personal Training Programs To Keep Fit And Fine ~ Better ...

Choose Personal Training Programs To Keep Fit And Fine ~ Better Health, Better Life. Stay Healthy.

Choose Personal Training Programs To Keep Fit And Fine

Taking up a personal training program is gaining popularity day by day as it saves the journey time to and from the gym. Beside this, people don?t need to wait for their turn to get proper assistance from gym instructor here. Fitness freaks can enjoy a complete work out at home under the guidance of personal trainer. Going through a personal training will help you shed the extra flab you have gained and stay into your desired shape for longer period. Your personal trainer will tell you how much you need to shed, how long it will take as well as what should be there on your diet. To be on diet for a long time demands your determination too. Else your fitness regime won?t pay you off! Your personal training program won?t bore you with strenuous workout schedule like that of gym. Personal trainers are extremely professional and they know how to keep you rejuvenated throughout the course. That?s why they alternate the activities time to time. Suppose they will advise you do some free-hand exercises in the morning for a week, but in the following week they will ask you to try Yoga. So when they are not available for you, their fitness mantra will be there to along you. There are affordable equipments like dumbbells, stability ball, balance disks, kettle bells, Bosu ball and medicine balls which can be used in personal training. Of course, the fitness trainer will guide you. The trainer will tell you what kind of exercise you actually deserve. They will show you the way to undergo cardiovascular training or strength training and conditioning. If they feel you need to go through weight training, abdominal and core conditioning training, they will assist you in every step. They can also arrange balance and flexible training, weight loss management, muscle building or kick box cardio to keep you fit all the way. If you have a long drawn dream of flaunting good biceps or having a six pack abdomen, just ask the trainer what you have to do for it. If your body is able to take the strain of some extra push ups or lifting, he will definitely help you in fulfilling your dream. In that case, your personal training will include some extra exercise to tone down and reshape your body in proper way. There is personal training program which also include Yoga and meditation. So it is not mandatory to sweat yourself out for fitness. Along with physical fitness, this kind of regime gives importance on stress-free life. Yoga and meditation will add to your peace of mind which is necessary for leading a healthy life. Apart from the indoor activities, personal training also includes few casual sports if it is required for bringing a bit of change. Your trainer can surprise you with such a week-end program. You don?t need to go far from your house to play a bit of soccer or badminton; you can enjoy it in your garden or in a nearby park for sure. The personal trainer will be a friend of yours. Instead of waiting for your turn to use the walker in gym you can easily go for a personal trainer to stay fit and healthy in a better way.



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Monday, August 27, 2012

Zebra fish point the way towards new therapies for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Zebra fish point the way towards new therapies for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Aug-2012
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Contact: Evy Vierstraete
VIB (the Flanders Institute for Biotechnology)

Leuven scientists (VIB/KU Leuven) are using zebrafish as a model in their search for genes that play a role in the mechanism of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). As a result, they have identified a molecule that could be the target for a future ALS treatment. ALS is a progressive degenerative motor neuron disease for which there currently is no treatment. Their study has been published in the prestigious journal Nature Medicine.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS

ALS is a progressive paralyzing disease caused by the destruction of the neurons connecting to the muscles. As a result, ALS patients gradually lose control over their muscles and eventually become completely paralyzed while their mental capacity remains intact. In spite of the enormous medical and social impacts of this grave degenerative illness, the mechanisms behind its pathogenesis remain a mystery. There is no known treatment.

Zebra fish as a model

Using an unusual zebrafish model for ALS that these scientists developed earlier, Wim Robberecht's research team searched for genes that either worsened or improved the phenotype of the disease. In the current study, Annelies Van Hoecke and Wim Robberecht and their colleagues identified the EphA4 receptor as a genetic factor that modifies the clinical picture of ALS in zebrafish. Eliminating this receptor in zebrafish led to the disappearance of the illness, while blocking the receptor in mice resulted in a clear improvement of the animals' life expectancy. The research also showed a link in ALS patients between the expression of the EphA4 receptor and the severity of the illness. ALS patients who express the receptor in limited amounts develop the disease later and have a better life expectancy than ALS patients who produce large amounts of the receptor. They also found that EphA4 prevented neurons from recovering from damage and that the cells that were actually the most susceptible to ALS expressed high levels of the receptor.

Proof-of-concept study

This study is very promising and proves that small model organisms such as zebrafish can be valuable tools in the search for a therapy for ALS. It also shows that molecules that are essential for the development of the nervous system can play a role in the mechanism of neurodegenerative disorders in adulthood. Finally, the results suggest that blocking EphA4 modifies the course of the disease, meaning that the receptor may be a good target for a future ALS drug. Of course, there is still a long road ahead before such a drug will be available to patients.


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Zebra fish point the way towards new therapies for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 27-Aug-2012
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Contact: Evy Vierstraete
VIB (the Flanders Institute for Biotechnology)

Leuven scientists (VIB/KU Leuven) are using zebrafish as a model in their search for genes that play a role in the mechanism of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). As a result, they have identified a molecule that could be the target for a future ALS treatment. ALS is a progressive degenerative motor neuron disease for which there currently is no treatment. Their study has been published in the prestigious journal Nature Medicine.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS

ALS is a progressive paralyzing disease caused by the destruction of the neurons connecting to the muscles. As a result, ALS patients gradually lose control over their muscles and eventually become completely paralyzed while their mental capacity remains intact. In spite of the enormous medical and social impacts of this grave degenerative illness, the mechanisms behind its pathogenesis remain a mystery. There is no known treatment.

Zebra fish as a model

Using an unusual zebrafish model for ALS that these scientists developed earlier, Wim Robberecht's research team searched for genes that either worsened or improved the phenotype of the disease. In the current study, Annelies Van Hoecke and Wim Robberecht and their colleagues identified the EphA4 receptor as a genetic factor that modifies the clinical picture of ALS in zebrafish. Eliminating this receptor in zebrafish led to the disappearance of the illness, while blocking the receptor in mice resulted in a clear improvement of the animals' life expectancy. The research also showed a link in ALS patients between the expression of the EphA4 receptor and the severity of the illness. ALS patients who express the receptor in limited amounts develop the disease later and have a better life expectancy than ALS patients who produce large amounts of the receptor. They also found that EphA4 prevented neurons from recovering from damage and that the cells that were actually the most susceptible to ALS expressed high levels of the receptor.

Proof-of-concept study

This study is very promising and proves that small model organisms such as zebrafish can be valuable tools in the search for a therapy for ALS. It also shows that molecules that are essential for the development of the nervous system can play a role in the mechanism of neurodegenerative disorders in adulthood. Finally, the results suggest that blocking EphA4 modifies the course of the disease, meaning that the receptor may be a good target for a future ALS drug. Of course, there is still a long road ahead before such a drug will be available to patients.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Sibling Rivalry in Midlife - Women's Voices For Change

Dear Dr. Pat:

I?have read the stories of reunions at?this site for several years now, and really enjoyed the series this summer.? It seems that everyone else has a family where the brothers and sisters are happy to see each other and make these special times as we grow older meaningful?apparently without envy or strife.? I am the youngest of eight children . . . the ?oops? baby, younger by eight years than my youngest brother.? My father died when I was ten and my mother just withdrew from life.? I was left alone with a severely depressed mother, and my brothers and sisters knew that I ran the house, did the shopping, and cooked our meals.? They came by for dinners I planned and cooked, but never asked how I was or offered to include me in any event that I wasn?t in charge of.? I became a trained chef and have been in the hospitality industry my entire life.? I am 45 now and never married, because the life of a chef is not conducive to creating a stable long-term relationship.? But I love my friends and our shared passion for food, wine, and entertaining.

I look forward to and dread family reunions.? Both of our parents are dead now and I live in the family home.? When we have family events, I am always the hostess:? the big summer reunion, Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthday parties.? I don?t mind creating the meals and making these events memorable, but? I always end up fighting with my older sisters about what I have chosen.? We? even disagree about the table settings. And they don?t know anything about entertaining.? Everyone loves the food and the pretty table, but there is always tension in the kitchen and during the meal.? After dinner, I am left to clean up.? I am really angry that no one appreciates what I do to keep the family together.? Why do grown-up brothers and sisters?who make up a ?family,? after all?continue to act as if they are children?


Dear Sarah:

No analyst ever described families any better than Tolstoy, who famously wrote, ?Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.? I can understand how the lifetime of parental abandonment and neglect and the decision on your part to provide an essential component to nurturing for both yourself and others through the creation of beautiful meals was your childhood attempt to get some attention and reward from your mother and siblings. It is possible that your ownership of the family home and your in-charge attitude in the kitchen and the dining room engenders envy and other toxic emotions in both your siblings and in you as well.


I have asked Dr. Cecilia Ford?a clinical psychologist in New York City who has great experience in working with patients who still carry burdens from family-of-origin relationships?to write about your question.? I would like to suggest that you may benefit, at 45, from some time with a therapist.? Do remember that we can never change others, but we can change how we feel . . . about our past, ourselves, and our relationships.?Then we may be able to change how we act.? ?You may decide that it is time to let your other siblings entertain the family.? I am sure these meals won?t be as perfect as?those you would make, but that is a change in attitude that you can control.? And over time you may decide that creating a ?family? of those friends and colleagues from that special world of ?foodies? is a way to have the real family that you want.


Dr. Pat


Guilt, Unburied Hatchets, Toxic Relationships: Sibling Rivalry in Midlife

By Dr. Cecilia M. Ford

No matter how old we are, the template of our early family relationships stays with us throughout our lifetime. Naturally, we mature, develop, and gain both insight into ourselves and wisdom about others. As a result, many aspects of relationships become smoother and more peaceful. One group that remains often troublesome is siblings.

Conflict between siblings is so ubiquitous that I would guess that on a word-association test most people would say ?rivalry? when prompted by the word ?sibling.? But what?s more surprising is how much of the conflict continues as we age. Below are five common issues that persist, often well into mid-life (and beyond):


Rivalry is by far the most common, persistent, and resistant to change of the sibling issues. Sometimes it is the result of an accident of birth order (e.g., two sibs of the same sex and close in age). Many times the rivalry is exacerbated by real family dynamics? (e.g., ?Mom really did like you best?). Most often it is a very complex combination of many factors?including, but not limited to, those above.

Unfortunately, parents can favor one child over another without being aware they are doing so. The difference in treatment can be subtle, but the effects can be dramatic.

Sometimes the rivalry can wax and wane over the course of adulthood as we learn that life can favor one person over another, and our rival may come in for her share of hard knocks. But that may not be the case. Furthermore, the competitive spirit can be lodged so deep that we are not appeased by our relative good fortune, but, rather, continue to feel threatened no matter what the circumstances.

These feelings not only disrupt our relationships with our adult siblings but also have the power to be transferred onto others in our life. If you have a history with a sibling that is laced with unresolved feelings of competitiveness and its ?evil twin,? envy, chances are that these? issues pop up in your other relationships as well.

?Failure to Separate

On the other hand, some siblings stay close as they grow older. This is fine until it presents a problem for creating independent relationships. A typical scenario involves one sib?s wanting to move on (often with a romantic partner), which upsets a long-held balance between two very close siblings. This can set up a seething rivalry and resentment between the new spouse and the ?left-out? sibling that is never fully resolved, even after the second sibling is married herself.


There are many, many reasons why siblings feel guilty toward one another. There can be wounds, real or imagined, that we have inflicted on one another. More often, guilt is experienced by a sibling who has triumphed, been favored, or won the genetic lottery in some way that has left the other(s) at a disadvantage. Even though this is not (usually) the winning sibling?s fault, she can feel guilty anyhow, because, consciously, or unconsciously, we all prefer to win rather than lose.

This problem is especially severe in families that have a child who is significantly disadvantaged in some way?e.g., mentally or physically handicapped. The healthy sibling not only feels guilty for ?winning,? but also guilty for feeling anger and resentment over all the extra trouble, expense, attention, etc. created by the sibling?s handicap.

People who have grown up in these kinds of families often have persistent feelings of ambivalence about winning, as well as guilty feelings that are difficult to allay, even if the troubled sibling?s situation has improved.

?Unburied Hatchets

This issue, along with its corollary, Family Secrets, allows siblings to persist in a toxic ?time capsule.? As long as the past injury is never brought to light, no one has to face whatever painful truth is being hidden. If a sib is still angry many years later because her sister seated her at the wrong table at her niece?s wedding, she may be using this to shield much more long-simmering resentments that haven?t been aired. But if the family has tacitly all agreed that ?We Don?t Talk About That,? our only choice is to go on pretending that these violent feelings were brought on by the seating chart.

?Toxic Relationships That Can?t Be Changed

There are some sibling relationships that are so toxic, so resistant to change or to improvement, that a time may come when we should consider cutting loose. Just because someone is a blood relative doesn?t mean that she is your lifelong curse. Some people have genuine sociopathic tendencies. Some are so angry at you that they genuinely mean you harm. Others, like chronic addicts or debtors, may have come to you for help many times and squandered it. The benefit of the wisdom that comes with age is that we may be able to make more reasoned judgments about these troubled siblings than when we were younger. For example, the addict who has used your cash to gamble or drink over and over may not seem worthy of your children?s college funds any more. Furthermore, your experience is telling you that your ?help? is not helping. It can often take many years and be very difficult to decide to cut loose, but in some cases there is no other road to improvement.

Sibling issues can lie dormant and then re-emerge during holiday gatherings, family reunions, weddings, and funerals. The most dangerous ground of all is the inheritance. If the parents? wills are not very well and fairly written, they will always be breeding grounds for whatever latent pathology the siblings harbor toward one other.

On a brighter note, siblings can draw closer as their parents pass away, finding strength in each other through their link to their common past.

Photo by cobal123 via Flickr


Cecilia M. Ford, Ph.D., has been a psychologist in private practice in New York City since 1987; her current areas of focus are chronic illnes and depression, eating disorders and body image disorders, sexuality and relationships, and parenthood and careers. Patricia Yarberry Allen, M.D., director of the New York Menopause Center, is a gynecologist affiliated with New York-Presbyterian Hospital, a board certified fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and a member of the North American Menopause Society. The president and a founding member of the board of Women?s Voices for Change, Dr. Allen is a spokeswoman on women?s health. She was the inaugural speaker for the Iris Cantor Lecture Series on Women?s Health at the American Hospital in Paris. Dr. Allen has been interviewed by The New York Times, USA Today, regional newspapers and major television news programs on womens health issues and is a contributing editor for More magazine.


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Discover Online Freelance Writing Job Opportunities That Pay Well ...

Without question, online writing job opportunities have plenty of advantages when compared with other types of internet jobs. This is actually a big deal as there are plenty of different ways to write on the net and earn income while doing it. The trouble with a number of these types of assignments may be the level of practical experience that?s needed to perform the work suitably. Web designer and transcribing positions are a typical illustration of respectable employment that you could only accept if you have proficient capabilities in those particular areas. Other sorts of employment opportunities which are considerably less difficult to perform like data entry do not pay well.

Freelance writing work is, in contrast, pretty straightforward and in addition they pay fairly well. All you need to focus on is your writing skill sets. Doing things such as running a blog and studying guides as well as articles are actually great ways to not only improve your grammar and language skills, but to also become influenced by being confronted with different writing designs and styles. Understanding the concepts of SEO, which is oftentimes required to do online writing jobs, isn?t very difficult either.

The root challenge of your specific freelance writing job actually is determined by the kind of subject matter that you have to discuss. Consider this as a big advantage as there are lots of website owners, your potential clients, which cover just a singular topic or theme. Consequently if you know a lot with regards to personal computers and technology, as an example, you?ll be able to search for online writing jobs that need you to talk about topics concerning that particular area. A few of the subject matter you need to write about may necessitate a little research which is not an issue simply because resources are often easy to unearth on the net.

Blog site owners are going to shell out a significant sum of money for every single article. Some people might even pay you by the number of words because they realize the importance of quality content. Just one piece of writing with a few ads on the same page is capable of producing a whole lot of ad income when a lot of visitors read the post and take a look at the ad while they?re there.

You certainly will appreciate the main advantages of online writing jobs once you discover a reputable job offering. You shouldn?t be required to pay any money upfront to start your freelance writing job. You are able to consider a freelance writing work order to be genuine when the employment listing details the specifications necessary to be able to write content for that patron. You should do a bit of a background check on the one offering the job to learn what other individuals have to say with regards to their work experience with the man or woman.


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Duncan Mighty: Not Ripe For International Stage? - HiSleek News ...

Duncan Mighty, the ?Port Harcourt First Son? crooner is one artiste that has carved a niche for himself in the Nigerian entertainment industry; and most music pundits thought he is ripe for the international audience. But would such notion be said to be true after assessing his single with Jamaican A-list musician, Shaggy, many considered as a ?flop?, ANTHONY ADA ABRAHAM writes.

He is not the first Nigerian artiste to go beyond the shores of Africa to widen his horizon and seek more fan base by collaborating with renowned superstars, especially now the world is a global village and music a unifying factor. The likes of D?banj and P-Square have toed the path before and had come out with great hits, making a statement that they are truly a star by their own right.

D?banj and his erstwhile partner Don Jazzy took the Nigerian and indeed African music fans by storm when he did a remix of his ?Mr. Endowed? with American superstar rap artiste, Snoop Dogg. Then came ?Oliver Twist? in which he featured one of the biggest name in the world of music Kanye West which received massive accolades and appreciation from fans across the globe.

P-Square took the Nigerian music industry by storm with a remix of ?Chop My Money?; a hit done with Senegalese-born US-based artiste Akon that received huge airplay across the country. And right after that was another remix with another A-list superstar, Rick Ross, in a song entitled ?Beautiful onyinye? that is still receiving regular airplay across the country.

That collaboration has been considered as one of the biggest effort coming from the Nigeria music scene, courtesy of the Konvict


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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Mars rover Curiosity aces test drive, proving it can, indeed, rove (+video)

Mars rover covered nearly 23 feet in 16 minutes ? 'a very big moment,' mission scientists say. The landing site, Bradbury Landing, honors science-fiction writer Ray Bradbury.

By Pete Spotts,?Staff writer / August 22, 2012

Curiosity, a one-ton rover on the surface of Mars, completed its first test drive today, covering nearly 23 feet in 16 minutes, including time out for snapshots along the way.

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The successful test of the rover's ability to leave Bradbury Landing ? the name the science team has given to the rover's landing spot to honor science-fiction writer Ray Bradbury, who passed away in June ? marks a significant milestone in the check-out process.

Now the team is preparing to begin what they term an intermission, lasting from a few days to a week. Although the period sounds like Curiosity is getting a break, it isn't. Scientists will use the period to perform initial check-outs of one of two remaining instruments on the first-tests list, as well as put several currently operating instruments through more advanced tests.

When that period ends, it's off to Glenelg, an intriguing junction of three geological features some 440 yards from Curiosity's current location.

Since it landed on the Red Planet early on the morning Aug. 6, Eastern Standard Time, the rover has passed virtually all of its tests so far with flying colors. One glitch cropped up as the ground team tested one of the wind sensors on the rover's weather station. Otherwise, the check-out process has gone flawlessly, mission officials say.

As for the significance of Curiosity's shakedown cruise, the mission's project manager, Peter Theisinger, put it bluntly: "We built a rover, and unless the rover roves, we really haven't accomplished anything."

"The fact that we completely exercised it and everything was on track" means the event marked a "very big moment," he added during a briefing on Wednesday at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.

After demonstrating that its wheels had their full range of steering motion Tuesday, Curiosity covered about 15 feet early Wedensday before it stopped and performed a 120 degree turn. It took time out to capture images of its tracks, then threw itself into reverse for another 8 feet before calling it a day.

Curiosity's new parking spot puts it in a good position to explore Goulburn ? one of four regions around Bradbury Landing scoured when the the rover's rocket-powered "skycrane" hovered above the ground as it lowered Curiosity to the surface via tethers.

The science team is thinking about spending a few days examining Goulburn and the other skycrane scours with three of the rover's 10 instruments.

Goulburn is one of two targets the rover's ChemCam has zapped with its laser, which vaporizes material it zaps. Light from the tiny bursts of plasma the laser generates carry information on the material's chemical composition, which spectrometers inside Curiosity's body reads.

The laser's first target, a 3-inch rock dubbed Coronation, proved to be basalt ? a type of rock that forms as magma cools and hardens. After taking the chemical measure of Coronation, ChemCam's science team had Curiosity zap three locations on exposed bedrock at Goulburn and found more basalt. But the points the laser hits cover a patch of rock surface about the size of a pin head, so researchers are interested in using a suite of three instruments, including ChemCam, to give Goulburn and its three amigos ? Burnside, Hepburn, and Sleepy Dragon ? a close look.

Although Glenelg is only 440 yards away, it's likely to take weeks to get there. Along the way, if the team runs across fine-grained material, it will stop and use the deposits to test the Curiosity's ability to scoop samples and deliver them to its internal chemistry labs, says Joy Crisp, the rover's deputy project scientist. Researchers have talked about a one-month stay at Glenelg.

"After Glenelg, we head for Mt. Sharp," she says. "That will be a much longer drive, perhaps with some brief stops along the way.

That leg of Curiosity's journey is likely to take several months, she says. ??


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Scott Sanders Theatrical Productions Will Develop/Produce Stage Versions of Sony Pictures Films

News: US/Canada

Scott Sanders Theatrical Productions Will Develop/Produce Stage Versions of Sony Pictures Films

By Andrew Gans
23 Aug 2012

Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) has signed a five-year deal with Scott Sanders Theatrical Productions (SSTP), whose Broadway productions include Evita and The Color Purple, to develop and produce stage versions of the studio?s films.

As part of the agreement, the studio has purchased a 20 percent equity stake in Scott Sanders Theatrical Productions, which will also have a first-look at the Sony Pictures film library and will serve as SPE?s primary theatrical consultant to help set up titles not adapted by SSTP with other, third party producers. The Dustin Hoffman film "Tootsie" is currently in development for the stage, according to the New York Times.

The equity investment will allow SPE the opportunity to open up its film library for stage adaptations.

The New York-based live entertainment production company SSTP is led by its private founder and CEO, Scott Sanders, with original private equity partners Robert Kraft, David Kraft, Roy Furman and Jim Fantaci.

?Expanding our successful relationship with Scott Sanders was the natural next step that provides the studio with a talented Broadway partner to help bring our film and TV libraries to the stage, and further diversify the studio?s entertainment offerings,? said Michael Lynton, chairman and CEO, Sony Pictures Entertainment, in a statement.

?Sony Pictures has given the world some of the most exciting and compelling films in history,? added Sanders. ?We?re thrilled to have the opportunity to work with such extraordinary source material, and to mine it for titles that make sense for theatrical adaptation. Our goal is to re-discover stories and characters which speak to the human experience and that audiences want to see again, but from a new perspective.????

In connection with the agreement, Lia Vollack, SPE?s president, Worldwide Music, has expanded her role at the studio to additionally include the newly created position of executive vice president, Theatrical. Vollack will oversee the studio?s theatrical productions and will serve as the Sony Pictures liaison with SSTP.?Vollack commented, ?Expanding into live theater offers Sony the opportunity to add another dimension to our film and TV properties and I?m very excited about working with Scott Sanders to breathe new life into some of our most beloved characters and franchises.??

Sanders has also brought in Sandy Block, a 25-year Broadway industry veteran who served as chief creative officer of advertising and marketing agency Serino/Coyne, to join SSTP as producer/vice President Theater.

?Over the last two decades, I?ve been able to work with the best and brightest people in the industry to launch hundreds of shows,? said Block. ?In this new role, I'll be able to expand my involvement in the creative process of initiating, developing and producing the shows themselves. Having known Scott and Carol for many years, I am thrilled to be joining their team, with their great taste for material, ability to attract top-notch talent and unique approach to producing.?




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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Somali parliament sworn in but presidential election delayed

Somalia swore in its new parliament in a historic ceremony Monday policed by African Union troops, as the war-torn nation tries once more to end two decades of conflict.

The swearing-in, held on the tarmac of the capital's airport, was the culmination of a UN-backed process in which lawmakers were chosen by a group of 135 traditional elders.

It brought an official end to Somalia's transitional government after eight years of political infighting and rampant corruption.

However, the election of a new president was delayed. Lawmakers said the process would begin in a "few days", with multiple candidates vying in a fierce race to unseat incumbent President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed.

"The MPs are very happy to be sworn in at home," said new lawmaker Siyad Shire Mohamoud.

Transitional government deputies had previously undergone the ceremony abroad because of the abysmal security situation.

"My desire is to change the current messy political landscape to a better one," Mohamoud said.

Somalia has not had a stable central government since the 1991 ouster of dictator Mohamed Siad Barre, which sparked rounds of bloody civil war and decades of chaos.

Lawmakers said the usual parliament building was too dangerous to hold their first symbolic meeting for fear of attack by the country's Al-Qaeda-linked Shebab insurgents.

After the parliament's interim speaker Musa Hassan Abdallah appealed for a "safe haven", the session was moved to the heavily fortified airport zone, adjoining the base for the nearly 17,000-strong AU force that has propped up the Western-backed transitional leadership against attacks by the Shebab.

"Somalis have been through over 20 years of chaos ... people are ready for a new day in Somalia," said Hussein Arab Isse, a lawmaker and defence minister in the previous government.

Local media said 211 of 275 lawmakers had so far been named by a "technical selection committee" from a list prepared by clan elders, with others pending due to inter-clan arguments.

Others were rejected for failing to meet requirements, including that they be innocent of atrocities committed during the civil war. Enough MPs have been sworn in for there to be a quorum in parliament.

"The transition has come to an end ... We have a sovereign parliament with a functional majority, so we are ready to go," Peter de Clercq, deputy head of the UN in Somalia, told Al-Jazeera, adding the full parliament would be ready in the "next week or so".

Despite delays, the process of forming a new government was hailed as an "unprecedented opportunity for greater peace and stability" in a joint statement by the UN, AU, United States and European Union issued Sunday.

"The conclusion of the transition should mark the beginning of more representative government in Somalia," added the statement, also signed by Norway, Turkey and East Africa's main diplomatic body IGAD, among others.

However, analysts have taken a far gloomier outlook on the process, suggesting it offers little but a reshuffling of positions.

"The current political process has been as undemocratic as the one it seeks to replace, with unprecedented levels of political interference, corruption and intimidation," the International Crisis Group think tank said Monday.

Bitter arguments have begun between challengers for the top posts -- divided along Somalia's notoriously fractious clan lines -- while many are also reported to oppose the selection of women, who are supposed to hold 30 percent of parliament seats.

The international statement made clear lawmakers must change their behaviour from the actions of the previous parliament.

There was no clear time-frame for when lawmakers would hold key votes by secret ballot to choose a president, a parliament speaker and two deputy speakers.

Sharif, the outgoing president and in power since 2009, is one of the favourites for the top job, though he is a controversial figure with Western observers.

A UN report in July said that under his presidency, "systematic embezzlement, pure and simple misappropriation of funds and theft of public money have become government systems" -- claims Sharif has rejected.

Multiple candidates -- over a dozen according to diplomats -- are expected to run for the presidency, including Prime Minister Abdiweli Mohamed Ali and the outgoing parliament speaker Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan.

UN diplomats said Somalia would be given more time to complete political steps agreed with the Security Council.

"They will be given more breathing space though clearly we can't wait months," said one diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity as talks on a Security Council reaction are still going on.

UN chief Ban Ki-moon called the election a "watershed moment" on the road to peace in Somalia, where the transitional government has been propped up by an African Union military force.

"The secretary general urges all actors to ensure that the final steps to end the transition are completed promptly, peacefully, and in an environment free from intimidation. The Somali people have waited 20 years for peace to take root in their country," said the statement.

Despite the new parliament convening at the airport, massive steps forward have been made recently in Somalia, with greatly improved security in the capital.

A military advance by AU, Somali and Ethiopian troops has driven the Shebab insurgents from a string of key bases in recent months, but fighters have also staged a string of guerrilla attacks.


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Samsung spending $4 billion to renovate Austin chip factory

Samsung spending $4 billion to renovate Austin semiconductor factory

Premiership footballers will be weeping in envy at the way Samsung's been spending its cash this month. After splashing $822 million on a Korean R&D center, it's now chucking $4 billion to renovate its semiconductor factory in Austin, Texas. The cash will be used to increase production on system-on-chip products used in a wide variety of smartphones and tablets, presumably to cope with future demand. It's not clear if this investment is in addition to the $1 billion it was raising in January to add a new SOC and OLED line to the same facility, but it's certainly a good time to be living in Texas, right now.

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Samsung spending $4 billion to renovate Austin chip factory originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 21 Aug 2012 06:33:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Sunday, August 19, 2012

S.A. guitarist "El Curro" dies of cancer

Flamenco guitarist Willie "El Curro" Champion, a San Antonio native who achieved international fame touring with Jose Greco and appeared in John Wayne's "The Alamo," died Saturday afternoon from complications of bone cancer. He was 79.

Champion was a River Walk institution, playing flamenco music for nearly 40 years at La Mansion del Rio. He last performed at Las Canarias, the popular restaurant at the hotel, two weeks ago. During Fiesta this spring, he performed at the Arneson River Theater.

"He was a flamenco icon," said his daughter, flamenco dancer Rosalinda "Chayito" Champion. "Flamenco was his life."

Close friend Emma Hernandez also appeared in the 1960 Wayne film. She still vividly remembers the scene in the film that spotlighted Champion's playing, as well as the moves of his famous wife, acclaimed flamenco dance star Teresa Champion.

"Willie played guitar in the cantina while Teresa danced on the table," Hernandez recounted. His music appeared thoughout the movie.

Champion graduated from Fox Tech High School in 1954. As a young musician, he was initially attracted to boleros. But once he discovered flamenco, Champion never waivered. With Greco, he toured extensively for 17 years. He shared stages with the greats, from Tony Bennett to the Count Basie Orchestra.

"I don't know anyone that played as well as he did," said school friend Gilbert Hernandez.

Luvene Elias, a founding member of the Royal Jesters, called Champion "one of the best."

Champion is survived by his wife of 57 years, Teresa, and daughters Rosalinda Champion and Elsa Champion. Funeral arrangements are pending.


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Pikachu Yellow 3DS XL to hit Japanese shores, require a pre-order for purchase

Pikachu Yellow 3DS LL to hit Japanese shores, require a pre-order for purchase

Nintendo handhelds are no strangers to new coats of paint -- or Pokemon, for that matter -- and now the firm is readying a Japan-exclusive Pikachu Yellow 3DS XL (officially the LL for locals). The brightly colored clamshell features a white interior and the electric rodent's visage on its lid with his tail trailing onto the underside. Priced at ¥18,900 (roughly $238), the portable will only be available at Pokemon Center stores throughout the Land of the Rising Sun on September 15th for those who pre-order between August 25 and its release. Gamers in North America may not be able to snap up the uniquely hued system, but this weekend's launch of the 3DS XL in red and blue could provide a small measure of consolation.

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Pikachu Yellow 3DS XL to hit Japanese shores, require a pre-order for purchase originally appeared on Engadget on Sun, 19 Aug 2012 07:23:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

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The Most Beneficial SEO Internet Hosting Strategies That Could Allow

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The Most Beneficial SEO Internet Hosting Strategies That Could Allow Attain Prime Rankings

Article by Beverly McCants

The Most Beneficial SEO Internet Hosting Strategies That Could Allow Attain Prime Rankings ? Business

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An excellent world wide web host is always and continuously to the transfer regarding new concepts and hardware updates to realize the most beneficial out of the concept of internet hosting on the internet. SEO hosting is completed to generally to get footfalls for the hosting services if completed by an online host. This type of BLT promoting may also help also develop a niche for the provider a result of the uncomplicated actuality that it is actually sending appropriate details for the reader and obtaining footfalls for your Search engine marketing internet hosting company due to back links offered inside the write-up.

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They?re very few with the items a website owner should search for within a fantastic Search engine optimisation internet hosting assistance to get their web business forward and create profits for equally, the web site and Search engine marketing hosting provider.

About the Author

Get use of the top rated notch Austin SEO tactics and strategies which will raise your website up the rankings very quickly. Head over to the Austin SEO Academy site now.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author?s information and copyright must be included.

Beverly McCants

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Using the Weebly Website Builder (5/5)

Now every Bluehost account comes standard with Weebly, a simple, drag-n-drop website builder that makes it easy to publish a full website up in just minutes! In this video series, we give you a tour of Weebly and demonstrate how to use it, step-by-step, with a real-world example. Follow along and you?ll be up and running in no time!
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Friday, August 17, 2012

What is the final affect of halogen in stickers for motorcycle helmets ...

??2008 Olympic Games is the most exciting Olympic Games , China is the host country . So sought after that everything about the 2008 Olympic Games has become fashionable . The stickers for motorcycle helmets are attached to the 2008 Olympic logo so you and your car with sail aspire 2008 .

??Automotive safety film market profiteering and safety hazard is a serious problem . It is understood that the recent start to appear because of the security film poor quality external touched on the break , stickers for motorcycles , but also how not hit pieces , leading to the owner it difficult to escape in a car accident and other incidents .

??Stickers for motorcycle helmets also make rectify automotive safety film market is imminent. Zhangxiu Chun said that the Chinese Standards Association is now developing the standards of the stickers for motorcycles, it is estimated will be able to come out a few months later .


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