Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Cutting Costs in Promoting Your Business on the Internet

Marketing your business on the internet is typically a lot cheaper than advertising on TV or putting your ad on a billboard along the highway. You can advertise online for next to nothing, or even for free if you want to, but you certainly can?t do that on TV, billboards, or with most other traditional marketing methods. Factor in how many times you want to flash your ad on TV and you?ll surely need a lot of money to do that. You can even lose your entire budget just paying for the airtime.

However, even though it is a lot cheaper to advertise online compared to the conventional advertising strategies, it can still cost you a lot of money if you are not careful with your online advertising strategies. One wrong keyword choice and you can plunge into a costly and inefficient marketing strategy.

But aside from the generally cheaper cost of promoting your business on the internet, there are still cost-efficient ways to cut costs in online promotion and marketing. In this article I will tell you how.

Investing in free but effective ways to promote your business online.


There?s social network marketing for starters. Social networks are taking over the internet these days. Not just for individual use, businesses have also brought their business to their social networks, hoping to connect to their target market.

Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, etc? are all free to sign up and yet, they are among the best and fastest ways to connect to the right people who need your products and services.

Article Marketing ? it is free to share information to online readers through informative and valuable articles, and in return, you can build links to your website for free. You may not be allowed to do directly promote inside your article, but they are good vehicles to build your credibility, to let your expertise be known and to promote your website through the resource box. With good articles, you can promote your website cost-effectively and benefit from it in the long run. For as long as your articles are live online, you can expect it at least bring in traffic to your site for a long time.

Invest in a good and optimized website

Search engine optimization (SEO). You may have heard about it and seen these letters often on the web. That?s because SEO is an important element to be able to launch your business marketing effectively online. Remember that promoting your business online is still about making your business visible to your market and the best way to do that is to make your website visible to the top of the search engine rankings. You can do that with proper SEO strategies.

Without the right optimization practices, you might end up depleting your resources in costly advertising strategies.

Have a quality, web content. The base of your website is your content as it tells all about your business and what you do and what you offer. It is also tells the search engines that you do have a valuable website that they need to pick up and index thus, invest in top-notch, search engine optimized web content. Even if you have the highest traffic coming in to your site, you may find it hard to convert this into sales if you have poor web content. This is one big challenge in marketing and promoting your business on the internet as well.

Opt for an easy to use website. Convenience is a major deciding factor for many people these days, and in the online world, most people, if not all, love the instant, one-click-show-all features, thus aim to give your target audience a website that loads quick and something that is professionally designed, appealing to the eye and easy to navigate and read.

Outsource some of your marketing tasks

Social media, article marketing and search engine optimization can be your keys to promoting your business online but they can be time-consuming. That?s a fact. You can write your web content but you surely can?t devote all your time writing new and fresh quality web content constantly.

Article marketing is not a one-shot deal. You have to write and submit new articles consistently. Social media needs updating and needs to be up-to-date and with regular activity or else you won?t get a good following.

One solution to save time in doing these tasks while still keeping within budget is to outsource. It can be one of the most practical and wisest things you can do when it comes to having these tasks done regularly and keeping everything up-to-date. With people taking care of these things for you, you can spend your time focusing on the goals of your business and refining and redefining your business strategies.

But one thing to keep in mind is that it is vital for you to outsource to the right people! Finding good outsources takes time and a lot of trial. But doing it right from the start will help you avoid wasting more of your valuable time and resources, and will help you in effectively promoting your business on the internet.

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