Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Individual Development Plan: Eating Top Brain Foods- Part 1 | The ...

Individual-Development-PlanEating healthy should be part of anyone?s individual development plan, but it is also important to understand what foods offer the best benefits to your brain as well as your ? ?body.? There are many foods that offer improved memory, cognitive ability and may even prevent Alzheimer?s disease.


These odd-looking creatures of the sea, often touted as aphrodisiacs, also offer benefits to the brain.? Adding oysters to your diet as part of your individual development plan and goals may increase your ability to recall information and sharpen your mind.? This is due to the rich concentration of zinc and iron that allow people to stay focused and remember.

Whole Grains

Although almost everyone who has added weight loss as a personal development goal understands the benefits of whole grains, many do not know of the benefits whole grains can have on the brain.? Whole grains are high in folate and vitamin B6, which contains thiamine.? Thiamine improves memory, while folate increases the blood flow to the brain.

Green or Black Tea

Replacing one of your cups of coffee in the morning with green or black tea helps keep your brain sharp and fresh throughout the day.? In addition, the catechins found in tea relax your brain, which helps you fight mental fatigue, which is often a personal development goal for many people.


Rich in vitamin B12 and lecithin, eggs reduce the naturally occurring brain shrinkage as we age.? However, limit eggs to one or two per day because they are high in cholesterol, which can be a problem for some people.


A spice commonly used in Indian foods, curry contains antioxidants that fight brain aging and help maintain cognitive functions.? In addition, curry helps fight free radical damage that can cause inflammation in the brain.

TSTN has an on-demand personal development training library that contains over 300 online training programs with the legends of the self-improvement industry.? View our SuccessCast featuring Donna Krech- The Victory Principal to get a taste of what we offer.? Then, learn more by visiting us on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest. Also, to learn more about individual development plan tips for eating healthier foods for the brain, stay tuned for our?part two blog.


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