Friday, November 4, 2011

The Incredible Luck of Mitt Romney (The Atlantic Wire)

It's fun for reporters to imagine Mitt Romney, who had the amazing good fortune to be born very handsome and very rich, is uncomfortable?making?the smallest small talk with other humans. But despite the pitying tone many take when talking about Romney, the man has?benefited?from an amazing lucky streak -- going way beyond his family's DNA and bank account.?Romney was lucky to lose the Republican presidential primary in 2008, and he's lucky to be running now, even as Republican voters are animated by -- among other complaints with the incumbent President -- their hatred of a health care law inspired by the Romney's greatest political accomplishment.

Mitt Romney, his son Tagg, and Romney?s chief fundraiser, Spencer Zwick, have extensive financial and political ties to three men who allegedly participated in an $8.5 billion Ponzi scheme. A few months after the Ponzi scheme collapsed, a firm financed by Mitt Romney and run by his son and chief fundraiser partnered with the three men and created a new ?wealth management business? as a subsidiary.?


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