Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Preparing the Home for a Holiday Feast | ABC Article Directory

During several holidays throughout the year, it is customary to invite family and close friends for a big meal and celebration. Getting ready for the feast often means picking up extra supplies from the local discount store. From cleaning the kitchen to preparing snacks for guests and cooking a large meal for many people, there is much to do before everyone arrives.

Special supplies from the discount store can be picked up in one convenient trip a day or two before the holiday feast. These might include foils, wraps, trash bags, tablecloths, candles, decorations, dish towels and paper towels. Napkins, extra plates, utensils and any holiday wall decorations can also be purchased at this time. Any last-minute ingredients for recipes, plus snack foods and containers for storing leftovers are also things to consider for purchase. Cleaning supplies for the kitchen and bathroom will make the house clean and fresh for visitors.

Kitchen cleaning supplies are perhaps the most important part of preparing a holiday meal. Before any food preparation can begin, the kitchen should be cleaned from top to bottom. The oven should be cleaned according to manufacturer's instructions, with the stovetop and sink also scrubbed in preparation of a busy day with multiple dishes to cook. This is best done the day before the gathering, leaving plenty of time for any surfaces that need to dry out or residual scents from any cleaning products to disappear.

Begin by cleaning and putting away any dishes, pots and pans that are left in the sink or dishwasher. The countertops and tables should be wiped down with cleaning products. All cookware needed to prepare the feast that is seldom used should be pulled out, cleaned if necessary and set aside for the next day. This is a good time to clean and sweep the floor. Any non-perishable supplies for the next day should be set out. If there is a very large crowd, moving tables and setting them with tablecloths is another task that can be done ahead of time.

The morning of the feast, everything will be ready to start preparation of appetizers and the hostess can begin preparing the meal. Be sure to have cold or hot drinks ready for guests, especially those who arrive early. By setting up a day or two in advance, the home will be ready for a special time of celebrating the holiday with family and friends.

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Need a Hearing Test? Go with Miracle EarMiracle-Ear

There are a number of hearing centers in Northern Michigan to visit to find a hearing aid that?s right for you. Why choose Miracle-Ear? Elliot Greenberg, owner of 22 Miracle-Ear hearing centers in Northern Michigan that offers the highest quality hearing tests in Northern Michigan and its surrounding areas, offers a number of compelling reasons why Miracle-Ear is always the best choice.

One of the greatest facets of getting your hearing test done with Miracle-Ear is interacting with the staff.

?We have somewhat of an interesting mix,? explains Greenberg. ?We have hearing instrument specialists with board certification, we have hearing instrument specialists with certifications in audio pathology, and we have audiologists.?

Described by Greenberg as ?gregarious, outgoing, and very sincere,? staff associates of Miracle-Ear who administer hearing tests in Northern Michigan work very well with all types of people, as well as other staff members. This results in a positive, comfortable environment for the staff and especially the patient.

As well as embodying amicable personalities, staff associates of Miracle-Ear serve as some of the most qualified hearing specialists. Each staff associate must have a demonstrated mastering of skills both on a practical examination given by the Michigan Department of Public Health, as well as a written examination. The written exam is the ILE examination, and is written by the international hearing instrument sciences board based out of Michigan.

Patients will benefit financially when visiting Miracle-Ear for hearing tests in Northern Michigan with their free initial hearing test. ?Typically, we?re going to do a 15-minute case history with the get go,? says Greenberg. ?During this, we?ll determine, first of all, what it is they (the patient) is hoping to accomplish, and we?ll determine any medical needs that may need to be addressed beyond the hearing aid. We will then conduct word testing and sound field testing to determine the person?s current ability to understand speech.?

In addition to staffing exceptional individuals who offer free initial hearing tests in Northern Michigan, Greenberg boasts how Miracle-Ear ?measures their success in customer satisfaction, not in sales.? They ensure this mission statement by enacting ?very strong protocols that have been created to produce very strong customer satisfaction,? explains Greenberg.

One of the protocols that are offered upon the completion of your hearing test in Northern Michigan is their ?Customer Promise.?

?When we?re done testing their hearing, we?re able to promise them exactly how much benefit we?re going to give them,? Greenberg says, ?and let them know we?re not going to let them actually take an instrument unless we achieve our promised goals.?


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homesick: adj : ?longing for home and family while absent from them ...

?Quand je te quitte un peu loin, ca ressemble au chagrin, ca fait un mal de chien.? M.Lavoine

I left my douce France in July 2010. Before leaving, I managed to see all the people I loved and cared for, and organized a Goodbye Party for myself. Yes, I did that. We celebrated with baguettes, wine, saucisson, fromage and everything oh-so-French ! I asked everyone to come dressed in either blue, white or red. Yes, I did that too. We listened to Edith Piaf and other classic French singers and we all had a great time.

I was sad to leave everyone but I was very excited to go to Canada, reunite with my now-husband. The future was promising, exciting, and foreign?Since then I have worked a couple jobs, I got married and had a baby. I couldn?t be happier with my life ? I have the most wonderful husband and an amazing daughter. But something is still missing. Other than a career for myself, I miss home, terribly.

5 random signs of homesickness:

  1. I heard a French girl talking while I was waiting for my baby to get her immunization needles and I couldn?t help it. I had to talk to her. It felt so good to speak French with a French person. She said ?ca suffit? to her daughter and I thought that was so French. I loved it.
  2. I have been listening to French music a lot ? including music I didn?t use to like.
  3. ?Midnight in Paris? made me cry. When we left the movie theater, I was surprised to hear people speaking English. This movie made me travel.
  4. I watched Amelie (Le fabuleux destin d?Amelie Poulain) three times and I am thinking of watching it again.
  5. I felt emotional when Jean Dujardin won the best actor award at the 84th annual academy awards. He?s French, we are family.

10 things I miss about home:

  1. My family and friends. I have three younger sisters and I haven?t seen them for so long it hurts.
  2. The food. I miss ?boeuf bourguignon?, ?tarte a l?oignon?, ?raclette?, ?fondue au fromage?, ?creme brulee? and many other French delights.
  3. The streets of Paris; cafes and bars, bridges and museums, shops and tourists. Ses beaux quartiers, and bien sur, the Eiffel Tower.
  4. I miss the French language.
  5. The bakery downstairs.
  6. Watching the world go by sitting at a cafe terrace.
  7. The culture.
  8. London. (It is not home, but I have lived their long enough to miss it.)This city is very dear to me and so close to home.
  9. My hairdresser. She?s done my hair for over 10 years and I can?t believe I haven?t done anything to them since I arrived.
  10. Myself. I miss my old self.

Click here to listen to ?Je ne veux pas travailler? (I don?t want to work) by Pink Martini. It is an American band but the song is in French. Sixtine and I have been listening to this song a lot lately.

I would love to hear how you cope with homesickness and what are the things you miss from home?Please share !

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No Regrets ? Automobile Insurance | Creative Vision

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Ensure you are invariably having the most recent understanding of vehicle insurance. By studying whenever you can about vehicle insurance, you will be guaranteeing on your own the best possible coverage you can find. The following advice will direct you toward smarter vehicle insurance judgements.

You can find traveling programs available that may reduce your insurance plan high quality. Many organisations will provide you with a rest on the high quality when you get one of these sessions. It will likewise show you to be a better car owner. Consult with any regional traveling universities in your area since the majority of will give you these sessions. There are also on the internet sessions that can help you find out protective traveling techniques.

Usually do not transition vehicles between members of the family to maintain your prices low. You will definately get a greater cost like that.

In order to find a less expensive insurance plan, consider moving. Monthly premiums and insurance plans can differ based on your geographical place. Insurance policy can be drastically less expensive in many metropolitan areas and claims than the others.

To obtain the lowest attainable insurance plan level for the new car, make time to record all of its protection features. Safety features like car alarms or area-influence airbags may bring you discount rates simply because they reduce crash or burglary promises maybe you have later on. For those who have an old car, you are able to prepare it with protection features on your own in case you are seeking more discount rates.

Your insurance plan needs to be spending money on car leases. If the insurance plan will not have hire insurance coverage you will end up required to acquire supplemental insurance plan although your car is being restored This coverage may cost you in excess of $20.00 every day in case your car is being restored. This may truly accumulate in case your car is inside the fix shop for an extended time.

It comes with an amazing price reduction accessible to married young couples. Committed young couples can help to save up to 40 percent on their own insurance plan bills. So, if marriage is at your potential future, this is one more fantastic purpose to accept the plunge.

The greatest guidance in regards to motor insurance is to maintain your driving record clear. A car crash will raise the prices faster than just about anything else. In case you are vulnerable to obtaining within an crash avoid the specific situation. For instance, in case your evening perspective is weak, stay away from traveling during the night.

A good way to lessen the price tag on insurance coverage is by moving to a different one town or state. Simply because diverse areas have diverse costs related to vehicle insurance. This is why planning to yet another state for insurance plan might help you save money.

Drivers who possess a brief commute could potentially be entitled to a unique price reduction on their own motor insurance based on their low mileage. To be entitled to the low mileage price reduction, most insurance companies demand that you drive under 7,500 kilometers annually. You could also take into account using consumer travel, such as a shuttle, as an alternative to traveling your car if you want to potentially be entitled to a unique commuter price reduction.

By getting security features on the car, for example an immobilizer, tracker or alarm, your high quality will probably be decrease. Robbery related to your car performs an enormous position in determining your insurance policy. The safer your car comes from burglary, the reduce your insurance plan will probably be.

The minute you no longer have possession of any car, have it taken off your car insurance plan. Obviously you don?t want to require a car away insurance plan until it offers eliminated, but when it offers do all this as quickly as possible in order to avoid any potential future costs that you can?t pay for.

Look at the info you have figured out and make certain your coverage is definitely the way you want it to be. You will probably find areas you should incorporate insurance coverage, and many probable some where you will be able to save some cash. how to get out of debt fast
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Monday, February 27, 2012

Acupuncture Ottawa: Staples Of Health

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By : Stilwell Jeanmarie ?? zero times read
Submitted 2012-02-26 09:58:55 Acupuncture Ottawa will be the biggest thing that most persons, specifically your people who are keen on acupuncture, need to learn to have the basis of your acupuncture alone. It truly is helpful to access the bottom in the know-how all over exactly what acupuncture is actually (simply by receiving the appropriate acupuncture definition). Acupuncture could be the regular wellness cure manner of placing knitting needles in the acupuncture spots in people's body or maybe with people's skin tone. It really is geared towards receiving an accommodate and fresh shape also to having balanced. It may cure suffering as well as every styles of health issues. It could be employed to treat every sorts of problems in your wellbeing. The acupuncture meaning is based on accomplishing this on the acupuncture remedies.

Acupuncture Ottawa is undoubtedly an alternative treatment which goodies affected individuals by attachment and also treatment involving knitting needles in your body. Their advocates variously declare that them alleviates soreness, snacks infertility, treats condition, inhibits sickness, as well as promotes health and wellness. Expense associated with acupuncture Ottawa will be mixed plus depends on this zones which provide the actual acupuncture also it is dependent upon the actual varieties of solutions that him and i go for the specific troubles. Acupuncture remedies tend to be various. It's also used for several styles of applications, for instance pertaining to health and fitness treatment options or maybe attractiveness cures. That is the reason precisely why the cost of acupuncture will become diverse. The price tag on acupuncture with regard to magnificence may be completely different from the money necessary for acupuncture pertaining to overall health remedy. The particular therapies have been very similar. The actual distinction should be only within the acupuncture areas that will derived from the desired goals. Additionally, there are several standard well being organisations that offer these types of treatment options, and so, the price of acupuncture remedies also are diverse. All the wellness companies generally shows the several charge for every style of therapies. The very best wellbeing companies maybe could have a greater price versus compact traditional health and fitness centres. Naturally, the quality of every one of them is additionally diverse.

Evidence with regard to acupuncture's success pertaining to anything but this elimination of quite a few kinds of ache along with a feeling of sickness isn't established. In the matter of nausea or vomiting, step-by-step reviews include figured excitement of 1 specific position (having acupuncture, acupressure along with approaches) is usually as successful since antiemetic drugs in the lessening associated with post-operative queasiness in addition to nausea or vomiting, in accordance with a scam remedy. However research is present for a minuscule along with short-lived effects on some sorts of agony, numerous evaluation articles or blog posts talking about the effectiveness of acupuncture include deducted this can be a placebo result. A new 2011 review of examine articles or blog posts figured, excluding the neck and throat soreness, acupuncture seemed to be associated with unlikely effectiveness throughout the management of suffering as well as associated with tiny nevertheless critical risks and also side effects such as loss of life, particularly if carried out by way of untrained practitioners. There is general deal of which acupuncture is usually risk-free while implemented by way of well-trained practitioners using clean tiny needles.

The way acupuncture performs will even depend upon a Chinese language thinking plus depending on their particular history too. There are actually countless acupuncture spots in across our body. Style those destinations, this fine needles will be pierced. Those attractions will even connect with many vital areas, including the liver organ, kidneys, along with voice. Exactly how acupuncture performs will be in all those attractions. It really is just how acupuncture work for medical. Your the way acupuncture performs for the attractiveness is practically exactly the same nevertheless the acupuncture attractions will change.

Author Resource:- Are you in search of even more on Ottawa acupuncture? Pay a visit to Fidel K. Walls's website now for much more facts on Acupuncture Ottawa quickly.
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By: Stilwell Jeanmarie

Acupuncture Ottawa will be the biggest thing that most persons, specifically your people who are keen on acupuncture, need to learn to have the basis of your acupuncture alone. It truly is helpful to access the bottom in the know-how all over exactly what acupuncture is actually (simply by receiving the appropriate acupuncture definition). Acupuncture could be the regular wellness cure manner of placing knitting needles in the acupuncture spots in people's body or maybe with people's skin tone. It really is geared towards receiving an accommodate and fresh shape also to having balanced. It may cure suffering as well as every styles of health issues. It could be employed to treat every sorts of problems in your wellbeing. The acupuncture meaning is based on accomplishing this on the acupuncture remedies.

Acupuncture Ottawa is undoubtedly an alternative treatment which goodies affected individuals by attachment and also treatment involving knitting needles in your body. Their advocates variously declare that them alleviates soreness, snacks infertility, treats condition, inhibits sickness, as well as promotes health and wellness. Expense associated with acupuncture Ottawa will be mixed plus depends on this zones which provide the actual acupuncture also it is dependent upon the actual varieties of solutions that him and i go for the specific troubles. Acupuncture remedies tend to be various. It's also used for several styles of applications, for instance pertaining to health and fitness treatment options or maybe attractiveness cures. That is the reason precisely why the cost of acupuncture will become diverse. The price tag on acupuncture with regard to magnificence may be completely different from the money necessary for acupuncture pertaining to overall health remedy. The particular therapies have been very similar. The actual distinction should be only within the acupuncture areas that will derived from the desired goals. Additionally, there are several standard well being organisations that offer these types of treatment options, and so, the price of acupuncture remedies also are diverse. All the wellness companies generally shows the several charge for every style of therapies. The very best wellbeing companies maybe could have a greater price versus compact traditional health and fitness centres. Naturally, the quality of every one of them is additionally diverse.

Evidence with regard to acupuncture's success pertaining to anything but this elimination of quite a few kinds of ache along with a feeling of sickness isn't established. In the matter of nausea or vomiting, step-by-step reviews include figured excitement of 1 specific position (having acupuncture, acupressure along with approaches) is usually as successful since antiemetic drugs in the lessening associated with post-operative queasiness in addition to nausea or vomiting, in accordance with a scam remedy. However research is present for a minuscule along with short-lived effects on some sorts of agony, numerous evaluation articles or blog posts talking about the effectiveness of acupuncture include deducted this can be a placebo result. A new 2011 review of examine articles or blog posts figured, excluding the neck and throat soreness, acupuncture seemed to be associated with unlikely effectiveness throughout the management of suffering as well as associated with tiny nevertheless critical risks and also side effects such as loss of life, particularly if carried out by way of untrained practitioners. There is general deal of which acupuncture is usually risk-free while implemented by way of well-trained practitioners using clean tiny needles.

The way acupuncture performs will even depend upon a Chinese language thinking plus depending on their particular history too. There are actually countless acupuncture spots in across our body. Style those destinations, this fine needles will be pierced. Those attractions will even connect with many vital areas, including the liver organ, kidneys, along with voice. Exactly how acupuncture performs will be in all those attractions. It really is just how acupuncture work for medical. Your the way acupuncture performs for the attractiveness is practically exactly the same nevertheless the acupuncture attractions will change.

Author Resource:->??Are you in search of even more on Ottawa acupuncture? Pay a visit to Fidel K. Walls's website now for much more facts on Acupuncture Ottawa quickly.

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AP IMPACT: New light on drone war's death toll (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]AP - American drone strikes inside Pakistan are killing far fewer civilians than many in the country are led to believe, according to a rare on-the-ground investigation by The Associated Press of 10 of the deadliest attacks in the past 18 months.


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Imprisoned Christian Newspaper Editor In South China Released 5 Years Early

02/22/2012 China (ChinaAid) - A Christian newspaper editor and house church leader sentenced in 2002 to 15 years? imprisonment for ?intentional assault? was released almost five years before the end of her prison term as the result of a world-wide letter-writing campaign and other international efforts on her behalf.

Li Ying, of the South China Church in Hubei province, was released on Dec. 25, 2011. She tearfully told ChinaAid founder and president Bob Fu that during her 10 years in prison, thousands of letters for her were sent to the prison. She said the letters had helped to significantly improve her prison conditions and contributed to her early release. She expressed thanks to ChinaAid and asked ChinaAid to convey her gratitude to the international community and churches worldwide.

Li was one of the first prisoners featured by the international human rights group Voice of the Martyrs on its website, from where concerned Christians to write letters of encouragement to imprisoned Christians. According to Voice of the martyrs, more than 11,400 letters were written to Li through the site since 2004.

Li is the niece of Pastor Gong Shengliang, founder of the South China Church, one of the fastest growing house-church movements in China. She was also editor in chief of the church newspaper, South China Special Edition (Huanan Zhuankan). She had been arrested several times and had previously spent a year in prison in 1996.

As a condition of her release, Li was required to sign a guarantee to submit to ?community correction,? which included the requirement that she live only in government-appointed neighborhoods and attend government-appointed churches.


[Full Story]

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Community rummage sale seeking donations

Photo By: Josh KullaGrace Chapel rummage sale
Donations will be accepted starting Sunday, March 4 for the fifth annual Wilsonville Community Rummage Sale, an event to raise funds to help the hungry and poor in the community.

It?s the kind of rummage sales that most churches dream of. Gather together a few unwanted belongings, price them low and hope to earn a few hundred dollars.


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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mayor Bert Xanadu: Let?s build Transportainment City instead

EDITOR: It's circa 1973. Fictitious Bert Xanadu is the Mayor of Toronto and owner of the Imperial Six cinemas on Yonge Street. Mayor Xanadu has been governing from his twitter account over the last two years and now a regular series of posts straight out of 1973 and into Toronto comedic political fray.

The people of Toronto have told me that they wish to leave their houses and move about the city ? who am I to say no?!!
The dim bulbs, shiftless jerks and unshaven con men who purport to have plans for improving transit in this city have failed to ask the most fundamental question of all: why does Toronto need transit at all?

Be assured, I have asked ? and can now answer ? that question.

Torontonians have told me they need transit ? effective, fragrant, cheap and sexy ? mainly for the following reasons:

? ?I want to get out of the house?: 37%
? ?the vibrations of the subway car lull me into a womb-like trance?: 14%
? ?I want to see what other people look like?: 22%
? ?I left something somewhere else and need to go get it and bring it back?: 33%
? ?I might miss out on something?: 16%

So what?s the real problem?

It?s that we have more than enough transit ? but to solve only one need:? to get people to and from their hellish places of employment.? Hundreds of thousands of other non-productive citizens are greedily crowding the fume-filled buses and crabby streetcars, the eccentric trolleys and slippery subway platforms, the windswept bus stops and stalled escalators, making the short brutish lives of Toronto?s salary slaves even worse than they already are.

What we really need are new forms of transit that serve the under-served and transport the easily distracted.

We can do this not by building new subway lines, but by calling on the ingenuity of our nation?s finest engineers, psychiatrists and P.R. men to design and build a veritable network ? or indeed, an actual network! ? of comfortable propulsion devices, each made to suit but a fraction of the populace?s moving urges.

Whilst the greasy lobbyists, humourless bureaucrats and political toadies spend months haggling, seducing and annoying each other to develop such plans, I am boldly stepping forward today to table my 1974 plan.? I like to call it ?Transportainment City?.? You can call it what you want ? and you can call me what you want ? but don?t forget who dreamed it up while you are coasting comfortably on the Wychwood Park Golf Cart Circle Line with local egghead Marshall McLuhan as your driver!

Piggy-back rides? Conga lines? Complimentary rides in police sidecars?? Yes, but so much more!

Let?s start with the high school truants.? Reeking of cheap cigarellos and stale ale, their dungarees and floor-mop hairdos offensive to the eyes and to all that is civilized, these teenaged bums should be isolated as they traverse the Queen City, hooting and hollering merely to impress each other for some cheap psychological gain.? So my TeenQuest Line ? a fleet of open-backed pick-up trucks (each painted with currently popular symbols of ersatz masculine posturing, such as ?Wolfman Jack?, or Woody Woodpecker chomping on a cigar) -- will cruise up and down Yonge St. from Front to Steeles, 24 hours a day, carrying these louts, and louts only, on their aimless drives to social oblivion (transfers accepted).

Then there is the sub-constituency of those simply wish to be somewhere other than where they currently are, if only for a few hours, without arousing suspicion.? Lake-worthy ferries of the new Alibi Cruise Line will depart each morn at 8:30 am from docks at the base of the Scarborough Bluffs, and drift aimlessly all day, pointed generally towards the middle of Lake Ontario, arriving promptly back by 5pm. Each passenger will be presented with a bogus TTC paper transfer of their choice.

Next up: there are those who are in no particular hurry to complete their measly tasks ? why would we enlist powerful and expensive bus and train engines to transport these uncomplicated and unburdened little grey people? A 20-mile gently humming system of moving sidewalks, the Horizontoronto Line, moving at a contemplative 1 mile per hour, will criss-cross the city, offering a gentle breeze of forward movement to its users, while keeping them out of the way of the purposeful. No need to stand on the right ? no one?s walking past you anyway!

Cities need a vibrant downtown and an adjacent bland region of dormitory suburbs ? the sizzling bacon and cold eggs of urban planning.? Since hundreds of thousands of Etobicockettes, Willowdaleans, Scarboroughriders and other Metro Toronto outliers escape their flat monocultures during daylight hours to snake their way to soulless jobs in business district office towers, an opportunity presents itself.? The new Exurbia Triple-Decker Bus Line will carry deeply-bored downtowners through the unnecessarily curvy suburban streets, allowing them gaze down on, and sneer at, the vast garages, strange sidewalk-less thoroughfares and antiseptic lawns that they themselves will never personally trod upon.

Toronto, still statistically the beigest of the British Empire?s great cities, has been enlivened in recent years by new burly immigrants from more exotic and rustic shores, e.g.? Nova Scotia, Wales, New Zealand and the Kara-Kirghiz Autonomous Oblast ? all leading bastions of equestrian culture.? So when these uncouth but mighty workers arrive, why force them into the unfamiliar and trying inferno known as the Toronto subway system?? Instead, my new Horseflesh For Hire Conveyance Service will offer up the idle but cheerful horses of the Toronto Police Dept. ? hay and saddle included for an extra TTC token! ? to those who wish to gallop about, the intoxicating stink of freedom propelling them forward, according to their own schedule!

And what about, you might ask, the steaming waste products generated by these noble steeds each day on the streets of Toronto? It?s genius ? we?ll use the municipal manure to help fill in the vacant subway tunnels to nowhere!!

If I asked for a show of hands right now, the horizon would be clouded with arms thrusting upward in response to this question: who is sick of the snot-nosed and peculiar brats who inveigle their spineless parents to ride the TTC simply to enrage the rest of us??? I thought so.

So, with the generous 25-year sponsorship of local retail giants Sayvettes and Aikenhead?s Hardware, we will be unleashing the floats of the Santa Claus Parade every day of the year!? Undisciplined tykes can clamber on board the giant Bakelite facsimile of Canadian icon Raymond Burr, or the H.R. Pufnstuf-Mobile, made out of actual puff 'n stuff, and ride up and down University Avenue until they wet their pants.

Speaking of bodily fluids and transit, that brings me to vomit, or rather, to the topic of vomit.? We spend $457,000 each year on Javex to wash away the thousands of gallons of the bile freely-shared by after-hours drunks riding the infamous Yonge St. Vomit Comet.? Enough, I say.

Starting immediately, that service is cancelled in favour of a candlelight walking excursion, offered nightly after the subway closes, through the quiet tunnels of the Yonge TTC line.? The drunk, the hammered, the footless and the woozy will find safe haven, a direct route northward to their angry spouses, and the gentle admonishments of a Salvation Army guide.? Trust me ? if you?ve vomited once on the third rail, you won?t do it again!

photo from Toronto Archives: Series 648, file 10, ID 01


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American officers killed in Afghan Interior Ministry (Reuters)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Reuters - Two American officers were shot dead at close range in Afghanistan's Interior Ministry on Saturday, a U.S. official said, as rage gripped the country for a fifth day over the burning of the Muslim holy book at a NATO base.


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Bottom Line - Celeb real estate: Oprah lists NYC penthouse

By Erika Riggs, Zillow

What's up in the world of celebrity real estate? Oprah -- or buddy Gayle King -- is selling a modern penthouse, and Patricia Arquette sold her home for a loss.

Oprah lists New York penthouse


Quite the view from the 36th floor.


Neat as a pin? Has anyone actually lived here?

In the world of celebrity real estate, stars buy homes through trusts in LLCs in an effort to cut the paper trail leading to their name.

Despite their best efforts, it's possible to figure out who the real owner of a mansion or penthouse is with a little sleuthing.

Such is the case with a posh Manhattan penthouse for sale. In 2008, it was reported that former news anchor and Oprah Winfrey's best bud Gayle King bought a 3-bedroom, 3.5-bath apartment in the new Midtown tower Place 57.

After all was said and done, it appeared that the home was not purchased by King, but by the talk show diva herself for $7.1 million.

Who actually lived there is up for debate, but as for now, the penthouse is for sale for $7.9 million and appears to be vacant.

Finished in 2006, Place 57 has condos from $1.47 million to $7-plus million. Oprah's penthouse sits on the 36th floor and features 2,530 square feet of wall-to-ceiling windowed space as well as a 768-square-foot terrace.

The modern space features a "triangle-shaped" living room, high-end kitchen, dining area, and two bedrooms, one with an attached bathroom. The master suite has three walk-in closets, a jetted tub and sleek shower.

Read more about Oprah's penthouse and see more photos here.

Patricia Arquette sells vine-covered home


Fair to call this house ivy league?


You'd think a "Medium" could have predicted the market better.

Celebrity real estate, like regular real estate, usually hits the market in the aftermath of divorce proceedings.

Patricia Arquette and former husband Thomas Jane listed their home for sale in Mid-Wilshire, Los Angeles after they announced their divorce. First listed on the market in June 2011, Arquette's home recently sold for $2.775 million ? 20 percent less than the original asking price, according to the Real Estalker.

Arquette, best known for her role in TV's "Medium," which aired 2005 through 2011, purchased the vine-covered home in 2003 with Jane for $2.25 million. Arquette and Jane ? of TV series "Hung" ? were married in 2006, they divorced in late 2010.

Built in 1929, Arquette's former home is a stucco "Rennaisance Revival" home covered in vines and filled with 1920s details. The 4-bedroom, 5-bath home has hand-painted ceilings and stained glass windows as well as chef's kitchen with inlaid limestone tile. Situated on a one-third acre lot, the home also has a pool and outdoor living area with barbeque.

See more photos of Patricia Arquette's former home here.



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Saturday, February 25, 2012

JasonEmbry: Cruz criticized Leppert for role in gay-pride parade, but Cruz campaign worker will talk 2 gay GOP group Mon.

Twitter / JasonEmbry: Cruz criticized Leppert fo ... Loader Cruz criticized Leppert for role in gay-pride parade, but Cruz campaign worker will talk 2 gay GOP group Mon.


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Deen says she's ready to lighten up her cooking

FILE - In this Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2012 photo, celebrity chef Paula Deen poses for a portrait in New York. A month after being widely criticized for revealing she has diabetes, as well as a lucrative endorsement deal for a drug to treat it, Paula Deen says she's ready to show a lighter side to her famously fatty Southern-style cooking. (AP Photo/Carlo Allegri)

FILE - In this Tuesday, Jan. 17, 2012 photo, celebrity chef Paula Deen poses for a portrait in New York. A month after being widely criticized for revealing she has diabetes, as well as a lucrative endorsement deal for a drug to treat it, Paula Deen says she's ready to show a lighter side to her famously fatty Southern-style cooking. (AP Photo/Carlo Allegri)

(AP) ? A month after being widely criticized for revealing she has diabetes ? as well as a lucrative endorsement deal for a drug to treat it ? Paula Deen says she's ready to show a lighter side to her famously fatty Southern-style cooking.

Just don't expect her to swear off butter.

"I am who I am. But what I will be doing is offering up lighter versions of my recipes," the longtime Food Network star told The Associated Press during an interview at the South Beach Wine and Food Festival on Friday.

"I will have a broader platform now, trying to do something for everybody," she said. "But you know, I'm Southern by roots. I was taught (to cook) by my grandmother and nothing I can do would change that."

The Food Network did not immediately respond to questions regarding Deen's new approach or whether they were involved in the decision.

Last month, Deen drew the ire of many in the health and culinary worlds when she announced that nearly three years before she had been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Roughly 23 million Americans are believed to have Type 2 diabetes, a condition blamed in part on obesity and unhealthy lifestyles.

During those years, she continued to promote her butter- and bacon-laden cooking on television and in books and magazines, and to profit from lucrative endorsement deals with companies such as Smithfield ham and Philadelphia Cream Cheese.

But the harshest criticism was triggered by her simultaneous announcement that she also would be a paid pitch person for drug maker Novo Nordisk's new online program, Diabetes in a New Light, and for its pricy drug, Victoza, which she takes.

Many wondered why she appeared to wait until she had a paying endorsement before revealing her diagnosis.

"Yes, I am being compensated," she said Friday. "It's the way of the world. It's the American way. But I am taking a portion of that compensation and giving it back to the (American) Diabetes Association."

Deen would not say how much she is being paid or what portion would be donated.

And she dismissed the idea that she should have announced her diagnosis sooner, citing her longstanding battle with agoraphobia.

"It took me 20 years to come out and stand up and say, 'Hey, my name's Paula and I'm agoraphobic,'" she said. "I was so ashamed, so embarrassed. So to do it in two-and-a-half years, I thought it was pretty good."

Deen, who is 65, shrugged off the criticism ? including by some fellow celebrity chefs ? saying her fans have stood by her.

"I think a few people who have access to a TV camera and ink kind of wanted to hate on me for coming down with something," she said. "But I so don't worry about it."

Deen lives in Savannah, Ga., where she ran a successful catering business, wrote a best-selling cookbook and opened an acclaimed restaurant, The Lady & Sons, before launching "Paula's Home Cooking" on the Food Network in 1999. She won a Daytime Emmy as Outstanding Lifestyle Host in 2007, and has branched out to cookware, foods and furniture bearing her name.

Her recipes include deep-fried cheesecake covered in chocolate and powdered sugar, a quiche that calls for a pound of bacon, and a French toast casserole made with two cups of half-and-half and a half-pound of butter.

But Deen notes that food is only one piece of the diabetes puzzle ? along with genetics, lifestyle, age and race ? and emphasizes that she doesn't eat like that every day.

Following her announcement last month, Deen said she had stopped drinking the sweet tea she used to sip all day and had taken up treadmill walking. On Friday, she told NBC's "Today" show that she has been eating less and exercising more.

Deen also has been promoting her son's take on healthy eating, Food Network's "Not My Mama's Meals," which stars Bobby Dean making lighter versions of his mother's recipes.

Though Deen said she last month wasn't planning to change her approach to on-air cooking, on Friday she said that when she begins shooting new episodes of her show this spring, the recipes will offer something for everyone, including people who want healthier recipes.

But it may be a while before viewers see the difference. Because filming and production schedules are set well in advance, it could take up to two years before those episodes are aired.

Associated Press


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Canada's Rogers Communications Unveils Online 'Anyplace TV ...

TORONTO ? TV subscribers with Canadian mobile and cable giant Rogers Communications can now take their favorite U.S. network shows anywhere in the home for viewing, via their tablet and WiFi connection.

Rogers? NextBox 2.0 TV offering, unveiled in Toronto, allows subscribers to stream live and recorded TV shows on their tablet throughout the home.

The next-generation TV offering aims to help Rogers continue fending off competition from Netflix Canada, Apple TV and other U.S. digital platforms setting up shop here.

Rogers is also set to offer Apple?s iTV product in Canada, supplying wireless and broadband capabilities to turn Canadian TV sets into giant iPads.

Meanwhile, Rogers? whole-home PVR recording and streaming service unveiled Friday will also replace an earlier TV-anywhere offering called Rogers On Demand Online.

NextBox 2.0 promises more control over where, when and how Canadians view TV by turning any room in the house into an entertainment destination.

And the NextBox PVR will allow any recorded show to be viewed on any TV in the home.


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Friday, February 24, 2012

It Role In International Business | NY Essay

[unable to retrieve full-text content]International business is a term used to collectively describe all commercial transactions that take place between two or more nations. A multinational enterprise (MNE) is a company that has a worldwide approach to markets ...


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DiCaprio gets 'Oz's' ruby slippers into museum

Astrid Stawiarz / Getty Images

By Us Weekly

There's no place like home -- and thanks to Leonardo DiCaprio, some legendary footwear has found a new one!

The "J. Edgar" star, 37, joined forces with other industry donors (including Steven Spielberg) to help the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures add the ultimate piece of movie memorabilia to its collection: the iconic ruby slippers from 1939's "Wizard of Oz." According to a report by Deadline, only four pairs used during the film's production are around today -- the slippers acquired by the actor's foundation are thought to be in the best condition of any of the pairs still in existence.

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The red heels purchased by DiCaprio and his pals have been dubbed the "Witch's Shoes"; movie buffs believe they're the pair shown on the feet of the Wicked Witch of the East after her unfortunate encounter with Dorothy's house, as well as the ones used during close-ups of Judy Garland's feet.

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Prior to their recent donation, the glittery slippers lived at MGM's Culver City studios until 1970, when costume designer Kent Warner discovered them while prepping for a studio auction. Warner held onto them for eleven years before selling them to a private collector. (The shoes would be sold again in 1988 to a second private collection, where they remained until now.)

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Academy leaders are thrilled about the newest addition to their museum. "Leo's passionate leadership has helped us bring home this legendary piece of movie history," Academy CEO Dawn Hudson said in a statement. Added Walt Disney CEO Bob Iger (who also helms the museum's capital campaign), "The ruby slippers occupy an extraordinary place in the hearts of movie audiences the world over ... This is a transformative acquisition for our collection."

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

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[unable to retrieve full-text content]Reuters - Vladimir Putin praised Cold War-era scientists on Thursday for stealing U.S. nuclear secrets so that United States would not be the world's sole atomic power, in comments reflecting his vision of Russia as a counterweight to U.S. power.


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Guantanamo captive in plea deal with U.S. prosecutors (Reuters)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Reuters - An alleged al Qaeda operative from Maryland held at Guantanamo Bay has entered into a plea agreement with U.S. military prosecutors that calls for him to testify against other detainees, The Washington Post reported on Wednesday.


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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

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Trump records robo-call in Michigan for Romney (The Arizona Republic)

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Yes - Social Media Will Redefine Small Businesses | Social Media ...

One of the fascinating things about change is that it rarely occurs in a linear motion. Things don't remain static as change sweeps throughout the system; every single item touched by the transformation agent sets off on its own trajectory, itself stirring up change in those around it.

The entire process is like a twirling kaleidoscope, except that it's less orderly, less predictable, and much more wildly dynamic -- like a simmering cauldron ready to boil over. The social media landscape displays just such wildly dynamic behavior.

Change is the catalyst that propels the entire industry forward, igniting more transformations that themselves stoke new innovations and so on. Take the handful of cutting-edge technologies presented here; most are by-products of the social revolution.

They developed to provide for new end-user needs brought about by the new social dynamics. And they will, no doubt, fuel the next level of change and development, particularly in the area of small and medium-sized business.

Here is my take on what trends will propel businesses forward and open up new and exciting dimensions. Mobile Devices Apple has just recently announced financial results for the third quarter of its 2011 fiscal year -- including a whopping net profit of over seven billion dollars from over 28 billion dollars in revenue.

A huge chunk of this exemplary financial performance is the result of over 20 million iPhones and over nine million iPads sold during this period. Consider all the other mobile devices from competing brands, and the writing on the wall is as clear as day; mobile devices are here to stay and make a tremendous impact on our lives, including how we conduct business.

  1. While it may not be obvious, the small screens of most mobile devices is a determining factor to how business communication and transactions will be handled.
  2. Mobile devices facilitate location-based marketing.
  3. There is probably a mobile app for whatever business need you have.
  4. Messaging works well with mobile devices.

YouTube Television In 2010

YouTube's viewership finally exceeded that of the big three networks during prime time. And recently it has reinvented itself from a mere video uploading facility to become more of a social media platform.

With new features such as channels, feeds and analytics, YouTube is better positioned to serve as a business tool companies can use to promote their businesses.


E-commerce appears to be a great fit with social. In the past, consumers have determined the direction of e-commerce by initiating mechanisms such as review sites, consultation and price and feature comparison. In the era of social, more and more apps are becoming available that businesses can integrate into their sites to improve the buying experience.

New Advertising Directions

More companies are experimenting with new advertising models anchored on the framework of social networks. Unlike earlier attempts at online advertising which were based on the old advertising models that looked cumbersome in the new digital marketing environment, these new advertising paradigms are built on the flow and function of digital -- particularly social media.


The success of social networks underscores an important human need that is met by these platforms -- humans need to communicate, relate and interact.

From a business perspective, the attraction lies in peoples' tendency to gather around and even champion ideas and causes.

Substitute these for products, solutions or the company's marketing message, and the prospects for community development in a business setting appear truly exciting, at the very least.

Putting together the right social media campaign isn't always as easy as one would like, but there is plenty of help out there if you need it.


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Taking pleasure in Your own Phuket Thailand Holidays ...

Thailand is indeed a extremely popular as well as enjoyable Hard anodized cookware holiday area. You?ll find every thing accessible presently there which range from excellent places to consider your children on holiday in order to pretty demanding as well as daring hiking via a few of the slope group areas in the northern of the nation. You?ll find visit teams locaated all through the nation, using the vast majority becoming in both the main city town of Bangkok or perhaps in the bigger from north town of Chiang Mai. Numerous visit teams working through Thailand offer excursions in to nearby nations for example Cambodia, Laos as well as Vietnam.

Taking Pleasure in Your own Phuket Thailand Holidays Taking Pleasure in Your own Phuket Thailand Holidays

Taking Pleasure in Your own Phuket Thailand Holidays

Bangkok the main city town of Thailand offers possessed a few intriguing points of interest; this particular property offers mixture of social individuals residing with each other such as Indian, Chinese language, Indian native, Islamic, Buddhist as well as traditional western.

This particular town offers well-known water known as Chao Phraya, a visit encounter about this water, that can?t be discovered anyplace. It?s filled with lively as well as lively anyway as well as it is pure modernity that draws the actual vacationers all around the world, specifically for newly-weds on their honeymoon, those people who are searching for intimate place as well as privateness.

Popular Bundle Deals

A few of the popular package offers accessible consist of slope group hiking excursions, family holiday deals, Chiang Mai deals, motorbike excursions, off-road activities as well as playing golf bundle holidays. Essentially, regardless of what kind of holiday you like you ought to be capable of finding some thing to fulfill a person whenever going to Thailand.

Phuket Thailand Vacations

Phuket could be a desire place to go for vacationers mainly if you are seashore fanatics. For anyone who is thinking about in your Phuket Thailand holidays, it?s vital that you comprehend the numerous intriguing shorelines to possess the the majority of enjoyable period formerly. Seashores within Phuket tend to be famous globally.

Phuket is generally a wish spot to choose vacationers mainly for all those seaside fans. For anyone who is thinking about around the Phuket Thailand escapes, it?s important to understand the number of fascinating seaside places for you to retain the the majority of pleasant period formerly. Coast line within Phuket tend to be notable around the globe.

Vacationers through around the world their particular Phuket Thailand escapes due to these types of stunning seaside places. Nearly all seaside places can be seen simply across the shoreline associated with Phuket and also on the island of kauai. If you?d like encounter a good fascinating party all night atmosphere, Patong is a great place to end up being. Patong is recognized for it is excellent party all night atmosphere as well as various things to complete whether or not during the day or even night time.

For those that are looking much more comfort and ease, the actual seaside to go to in order to certainly is the Nai Thon seaside, that has incredible views. Nai Thon doesn?t have the actual hordes of individuals pay day loans in comparison to additional seaside places that will help you take advantage of the peace it provides an excellent. It is unfaltered qualities is fantastic for every single tourist?s Phuket Thailand escapes.

Cost associated with Travelling within Thailand

Taking Pleasure in Your own Phuket Thailand Holidays1 Taking Pleasure in Your own Phuket Thailand Holidays

Taking Pleasure in Your own Phuket Thailand Holidays

Thailand continues to be among the least expensive locations within South Asian countries to go to as well as visit. As the general quality lifestyle might not be the greatest on the planet, with regards to lodging with regard to vacationers you will notice that the best resorts on the planet can be found within this nation. For instance, resorts within the seaside vacation resort associated with Phuket are less costly compared to however just like the very best resorts within Airlie Seaside, Sydney. The nation is greatly aimed at travel and leisure because they produce a large amount of their own nationwide earnings out of this industry and therefore, they provide excellent affordability for just about any visitor going to. You?ll definitely discover that you obtain excellent bang for your buck within Thailand.

Golfing Holidays in Thailand

T? ?l?n a vacation ?n Thailand ?nd Phuket means lots ?f activities, adventures, ?nd sports. T? facilitate such tours th?r? ?r? many travel agencies th?t provide ?nt?r??t?ng packages l?k? th? Thailand golf holiday ?r Phuket golf holiday. Golfing holidays h??? become immensely ????l?r w?th people wh? h??? ?n inclination t? engage ?n sophisticated sports. Even th? corporate world h?? come under th? direct influence ?f such inviting vacations.

Wh?l? golfing ?n ??m? b??ut?ful, breathtaking setting ?? a d?f?n?t? luxury; booking w?th travelers wh?l? ?l?? providing a full getaway package th?t includes comfortable, air conditioned transport, five star hotel accommodations, ?nd private golf club parties, ?m?ng ?th?r features ?? a preferred way t? travel today. All th?? ?nd lots more ?? available ?t a high discount rate. A Thailand golf ?r Phuket golf holiday ??n mean much more fun th?n ?n impromptu visit t? th?? enchanting island.


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Turkey urged to allow greater religious freedom (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]AP - The spiritual leader of the world's Orthodox Christians said Monday that Turkey's new constitution should grant equal rights to minorities in the country and safeguard religious freedoms.


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