Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Need a Hearing Test? Go with Miracle EarMiracle-Ear

There are a number of hearing centers in Northern Michigan to visit to find a hearing aid that?s right for you. Why choose Miracle-Ear? Elliot Greenberg, owner of 22 Miracle-Ear hearing centers in Northern Michigan that offers the highest quality hearing tests in Northern Michigan and its surrounding areas, offers a number of compelling reasons why Miracle-Ear is always the best choice.

One of the greatest facets of getting your hearing test done with Miracle-Ear is interacting with the staff.

?We have somewhat of an interesting mix,? explains Greenberg. ?We have hearing instrument specialists with board certification, we have hearing instrument specialists with certifications in audio pathology, and we have audiologists.?

Described by Greenberg as ?gregarious, outgoing, and very sincere,? staff associates of Miracle-Ear who administer hearing tests in Northern Michigan work very well with all types of people, as well as other staff members. This results in a positive, comfortable environment for the staff and especially the patient.

As well as embodying amicable personalities, staff associates of Miracle-Ear serve as some of the most qualified hearing specialists. Each staff associate must have a demonstrated mastering of skills both on a practical examination given by the Michigan Department of Public Health, as well as a written examination. The written exam is the ILE examination, and is written by the international hearing instrument sciences board based out of Michigan.

Patients will benefit financially when visiting Miracle-Ear for hearing tests in Northern Michigan with their free initial hearing test. ?Typically, we?re going to do a 15-minute case history with the get go,? says Greenberg. ?During this, we?ll determine, first of all, what it is they (the patient) is hoping to accomplish, and we?ll determine any medical needs that may need to be addressed beyond the hearing aid. We will then conduct word testing and sound field testing to determine the person?s current ability to understand speech.?

In addition to staffing exceptional individuals who offer free initial hearing tests in Northern Michigan, Greenberg boasts how Miracle-Ear ?measures their success in customer satisfaction, not in sales.? They ensure this mission statement by enacting ?very strong protocols that have been created to produce very strong customer satisfaction,? explains Greenberg.

One of the protocols that are offered upon the completion of your hearing test in Northern Michigan is their ?Customer Promise.?

?When we?re done testing their hearing, we?re able to promise them exactly how much benefit we?re going to give them,? Greenberg says, ?and let them know we?re not going to let them actually take an instrument unless we achieve our promised goals.?


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