Tuesday, June 12, 2012

3 Extraordinary Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

For much more than a thousand years, Asian cultures have enjoyed the pleasant taste of green tea as well as the numerous positive effects on body and health. Now, people all over the world are realizing that this is a powerful healing food that can help maintain good health. Scientific research has revealed a number of disease conditions that can benefit from the regular intake of green tea. This food can be ingested as a tea or as simply a capsule form of supplement. So we?ll move ahead and discuss a few of the many health benefits you can derive from taking green tea.

Let?s start with your heart and blood pressure because green tea can help you in both areas. With regular consumption, you can effect the increase of HDL cholesterol which is the good guy, and then lower the overall cholesterol ? and then you can help burn fat with certain properties contained in this tea. That is pretty amazing, we think, because when you drink it on a regular basis you can achieve these amazing results with your blood pressure, cholesterol, and weight. The research recommends that to achieve that kind of control requires four cups of green tea per day. Green tea also comes as a decaffeinated tea, as well, just in the event you don?t want to consume that much caffeine. You really should consider green tea if you want to do something extraordinary for your health. Yes, absolutely these are anti-aging properties we?re talking about. Many studies have been performed in Japan as well as other countries in Europe. The powerful antioxidants in green tea help to protect the body from harmful substances known as free radicals, which are believed to cause many serious diseases. Green tea, when taken every day, will be a powerful ally in your life so you can better live in health and happiness. Medical problems commonly seen with advancing age respond to green tea, as well ? arthritis and memory related issues.

When you drink the tea every day, you?ll notice your overall energy level increase, and that will be great because you?ll have a natural feeling and desire to be more active. The effect there is you?ll lose weight even more and easier. While people take many supplements for energy, most are not very healthy. You?ll find that many energy drinks are high in caffeine as well as sugar which is the last thing you need. The caffeine in green tea is only roughly half as much as found in a cup of coffee, so you won?t be getting such a high intake of caffeine.

The general and comprehensive healthy benefits of green tea are impressive.

Who knows what more can be discovered about the health-giving abilities of this humble plant. A healthy substance will tend to be good for the body as a whole. It?s like there are only upsides and no downsides associated with drinking this healthy and valuable drink.

We hope you have enjoyed reading about the many benefits of green tea. How you decide to take-in this plant food is up to you, so maybe it?s best to talk to your knowledgeable health store consultant. It?s quite easy to make several cups of green tea a day and enjoy it while knowing you?re doing something great for your health.

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