Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Could One Man End A Hall of Fame Career? - Global Recreation ...

Roger Clemens was found not guilty this week of lying to Congress.? Clemens was charged with two counts of perjury, three counts of making false statements and one count of obstructing Congress.? He had testified in front of Congress (and on national television) and repeatedly denied using steroids and human growth hormone during his long, and potentially Hall of Fame career.? He was found not guilty in court, but in the baseball world and in the eyes of the Hall of Fame voters, he is still a steroid user.? My question is, could this happen to anyone?? Let me explain and this is completely a hypothetical scenario.

Let?s assume that I am a personal trainer.? I have a license, I have a degree and I have gotten so good at my job that a few major leaguers have hired me for their off-season training and in-season training as well in coordination with their organizations.? Although major league clubs never officially hired me, I am given access to my clients in the stadiums and in the weight rooms only.? I know own a business and I have offices where other clients can train.? I have a staff.? However, my major league clients come in during hours the office is closed for their privacy.? I have full access to these players.

Part of my therapy, which is approved by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) are injections of vitamins, minerals and supplements that are all allowed by Major League Baseball on their drug plan.

For the players protection, my ledger has multiple columns for each injection that I give them that includes; Date, Location of Injection, Place on Body of Injection, Type of Injection, Amount of Injection and then the ledger is signed by the player and myself.? The players are happy.? They are getting good training and are having productive careers, some are All-Stars and one is a future Hall of Famer.? I have a great business and I am considered one of the best in my profession.

Within the past year, I realized that I have a issue with one my clients. ?It is the potential Hall of Famer.? He has had a twelve year career and has a career batting average of .325, 472 home runs, a career on-base plus slugging percentage that is over 1.000 and is considered at the top of his game (yes, these are Albert Pujols? statistics, I used these because he is a potential Hall of Famer).

Before going on, I still have great working relationships with every other player I work with and my business has expanded.? I work with many players and now, I only work with referrals now.? Basically, I am at the top of the game, no issues with any players ever being considered to have taken any banned substance.? To make my business even better, I am in continual communication with Major League Baseball to determine if any substances are added or removed from the banned substance list.

Where is this going?

The reason why the player and I had the falling out is because he had an affair with my girlfriend.? I knew that the affair lasted about a year and for a year; I played as if I did not know.? During this year, I trained the player the same way I had for the past dozen years, in fact I increased the training because the player was getting older and he needed to stay in peak physical form.? The injections continued and the ledger was kept to date.? However, the player trusted me.? He just ?signed the ledger? as he had for all the years before.? What this one player did not know, as ?payback? one of the injections that he signed was not his usual vitamin and supplement injection.? It was a detectable steroid.? However, my records indicated that I injected him with all legal substances.? My company had received shipments of a variety of substances that were banned by Major League Baseball and everything is accounted for, locked in our pharmacy, and every injection has been placed in ledgers, signed by clients and filed.

Therefore, as of now I have a variety of Major League clients.? I have a foolproof system indicating each distribution of vitamins, minerals or supplements.? The system has been around for over a dozen of years, and none of my clients have ever had issues with the Major League Drug Program.? In fact, I am respected in baseball and have a good relationship with Major League Baseball and I work only on referrals.? One of my clients, that I know has had a year-long affair with my girlfriend, was injected by me with a detectable steroid unbeknownst to him.? My records are clean.? My ledger is detailed and my logs have all been filed.? Basically. What I did cannot be traced.

My Hall of Fame client fails a drug test.? It becomes public and he is shamed.? Of course, he immediately blames me for this.? I defend myself stating that I have never given, injected or suggested that any of my clients ever take anything that was banned by Major League Baseball.? I meet with Major League Baseball and produce my ledger, with over a dozen years of entries signed by the client and myself. ?I produced documents indicating that I do have a variety of substances banned by Major League Baseball in my pharmacy and the proof that it has all been dispensed to other people and I have had inspectors come to my office and verify that I have all the quantities that I claim to have, no more and no less.? Everything is documented.

So, my numerous players come to my defense.? They all indicate that I have never even mentioned the word steroids or HGH.? They all state in various interviews that I am beyond reproach because of how I have treated them.? Each one of them have good careers and have made millions of dollars and all feel that I had a good part in keeping them healthy.? I offer my records (hiding names, of course to protect my clients) for people to investigate.? In the end, I am found to have been telling the truth and the potential Hall of Fame player is suspended for 50 games and his career is tarnished.? Immediately there are headlines from baseball writers that he will never get into the Hall of Fame now.? At the same time, my relationship with my girlfriend ends and I have decided to move forward with my life.

So, one man with a vendetta against another has been able to cover his tracks and end a Hall of Fame career.? The player was actually innocent.? He never did willingly or knowingly take any banned substance.? However, because there was no way to discredit me or prove that he did not take these substances, he is now the most hated man in baseball.

The scenario I just played out before you was all in my head as soon as the Roger Clemens verdict was announced.? What if he is telling the truth?? What if Clemens went to Congress because he never willingly or knowingly ever took steroids?? What if his trainer set him up?? What if he defended himself vigorously and spent millions of his own money because in his heart be is telling the truth.?? In the end, it would not matter.? Public perception is out there and people have made their own verdicts on Roger Clemens.? In fact, many writers have already decided they will never vote Clemens into the Hall of Fame and went public with their comments.

So, I propose the question?Can one man be solely responsible for the tarnishing of another man?s Hall of Fame career?


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