Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Anyone have some healthy eating tips? | LifeZoneHealth.Com

The more healthy foods you eat, the healthier you become. That?s basically the secret to living healthy,
In order to successfully go about your aim of a good healthy eating tips, you must take advantage of all the necessary tips I will be giving to you here.

Eat Healthy Snacks

There is nothing wrong with snacking whenever you feel like it, but the only problem many people usually face is the choice of snack that they choose to consume and the quantity that they consume. You have to start by doing a switch from unhealthy snacks to healthy snacks, by doing so you will have to replace unhealthy snacks such as burgers, meat-pies, fish roll, and doughnuts with healthy snacks such as fruits and vegetables. The change doesn?t have to be swift, do it gradually until you are complete rid of unhealthy snacks. Always have at least 3 different kinds of fruits like carrots, cucumbers, apples and grapes to substitute for candy bars milk shakes and ice-cream.

Master the Amount of Food You Eat

If you want to take charge of 2012 and live a healthy life then, you must learn to regulate the quantity of food that you consume at a time. If you use to eat 3 heavy meals daily then this is the time to make a change. Rather than eat 3 high calorie food times daily, change it by breaking it down to 5-6 meals instead that should be eaten at 2-3 hours interval. When you do this, there will be no excess energy left in the body as the body finds it easier to digest smaller amount of food faster.

Reduce Your Soda Intake

Sodas are drinks that contain high calories, so therefore, try as much as possible to reduce or even totally get rid of soda from your menu. Substitute it with low calorie drinks such as natural fruit juices without additives, ice tea, and better still water.

Consume only low?calorie sauces

Sauces are always very high in calories, but if you must eat sauce then choose the right kind of sauce to eat. Whenever you are served sauce ensure that you do not eat everything in the bowl. The trick that you can use is to dip your fork into the sauce and use the fork to scoop your food into the mouth. That way you will still get the flavor that you desire but with fewer calories consumed.

Reduce Your Meat consumption

When it comes to healthy living one of the things that may sound uncomfortable for you might be this option. Meat is very high in energy and calories and can add more calories to your body than you think in a year. Choose a comfortable day that you will have to stay away from meat and really stay away. When you do that, your chances of getting cancer and other health related issues would be reduced.

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