Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Acid Reflux Remedies and Causes | health article

Acid reflux disease occurs when the sphincter muscle at the base of the esophagus does not close like it should. The result is the contents of the stomach and the acids in it go back up to the esophagus. Acid reflux usually feels like a burning pain in the chest that can move up to the throat. It often feels as if food is coming back into the mouth and leaving an acidic taste.

When the mixture of stomach acid and enzymes are refluxed into the oesophagus more frequently than they should, or for an extended period of time, acid reflux occurs. The most common acid reflux cause is triggered from the physical inability of the lower oesophageal sphincter to prevent the stomach acid from traveling up the oesophagus.

Doctors are really not sure what the real acid reflux causes are. There are a few things that have been found to irritate the problem more. Smoking, stress, being overweight and bad diet of high fats and salt contribute to irritating the condition more. Even if you have never had acid reflux nor the signs or symptoms of this condition, being pregnant alone can be an acid reflux cause.

The main symptoms include frequent heartburn, a burning type of pain in the lower part of the mid chest, behind the breastbone, and sometimes in the mid abdomen. One acid reflux cause that is most common among acid reflux sufferers is the wrong kind of diet. This includes what you eat, how much you eat, and when you eat.

Many people discover that the main reflux cause that they are dealing with is a full stomach. It is a much better idea for you to eat small, frequent meals throughout the day than to try to stuff yourself whenever you have a regular meal.

Searching for acid reflux remedy and relief from this most-uncomfortable form of heartburn becomes a mission for sufferers. Most patients, desperate for a quick solution, turn to medical treatment.Searching for acid reflux remedy and relief from this most-uncomfortable form of heartburn becomes a mission for sufferers. Most patients, desperate for a quick solution, turn to medical treatment. You will be happy to know there are several natural, safe and effective acid reflux remedies which do not produce undesirable side effects.

Whist drugs obtained at the pharmacy can be effective for some people, they won?t cure acid reflux but they will lessen or stop the symptoms by working on the acid. Antacids, sold under various brand names, are the most popular.

exercise is proven to help with hundreds of prevention and treating ailments Make a fist and take a look. That is how big your meals should be and you should eat 5 meals/snacks per day. Eating bigger meals increases the likelihood of an attack.

You should also try to limit the caffeine and carbonated drinks you drink ideally, you should only be drinking water. The best herbal acid reflux home remedies are drinking apple cider, taking papaya enzymes, fennel tea, eating almonds, bananas, clove oil, using turmeric in cooking, licking the juice of ginger with honey, using garlic in food, etc..

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