Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Body weight loss reduction of rounder stomachs | pai you guo, super ...

1. A cup of water in the morning, not only can add to the night of the water lost, also can promote peristalsis, embellish aperient bowel. If after breakfast with in time the habit of toilet, prevent and accommodation, the effect will be better. fruta planta pills is the best way for us to lose weight..
2. A lot of women in the spirit was nervous used to eating or eating snacks to release pressure, or because the job is busy hard attend to, also or cooperate with entertainment need, want to eat things hard endure not the best policy, might as well for some low quantity of heat snacks such as all kinds of fruit, strong nuts etc, when need to eat a little. Such not only alleviate the pressure, also can supplement vitamin, trace elements, kill two birds with one stone. please take one fruta planta per day, 30 minutes before breakfast and take it with warm water.
3. Can prepare some soup for himself, in every meal drink a bowl of before. Such, can increase the body full feeling, help control appetite. In addition, can also according to personal taste, and as the seasons change, in the soup with different ingredients, such as longan lotus seed soup, green carrot soup, papaya tail soup of peanuts, these food can be in health at the same time maintain beautiful.
4. In daily life, pay attention to the following the intake of food or drink, to burn fat: oolong tea, puer tea, etc.; In addition, soy lecithin rich, help to dissolve and exhaling fat; ChaoTianJiao etc spicy ingredients can promote metabolism; Leek contained more cellulose, promote aperient, etc. fruta planta pills really works well on losing weight.
Aerobic exercise with muscle training model charming waists 1. Lying on the ground, double leg is raised, thighs and lower leg at right angles to the ground. The right hand on the head, the left hand to unbend. Then slowly rises to the upper body from the ground 30 degrees, rises right elbow to point to left knee, repetitive movements. 15 times for 1 group, each side do 3 groups, every week 3 to 4 times, the affirmation inside a month gets effective.
2. Lying in the end of the bed, the bed in the hips, and then in the abdomen make ham knee bends to the top. Hands on their sides straight, palm downward on the bottom of the hip. The next abdomen to force, to slow If you want to lose weight quickly then take fruta planta pill.
Slow to the speed of the number 10, legs straight forward, tiptoe must up, make the body into a straight line, and then to count of 5 the speed of knee bends, ham return to its original position. Note back, shoulders and arms are to relax, feel is in the stomach.
3. Massage abdomen; With navel as the center, in the abdomen play a question mark, massage along the question mark, to the left, right after, the massage 30-50, massage 1 times every day. We can in the bath, face before sleeping, when watching TV at any time. On the abdomen for kneading massage action can improve the skin temperature, energy consumption, promote peristalsis, reduces bowel the nutrient intake. If you want to lose weight quickly then take fruta planta pill.


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