Monday, July 9, 2012

U.K. Judge: Samsung Galaxy Tab Not Cool Enough to Infringe on iPad

Courtrooms around the world have slapped sales injunctions against Samsung?s Galaxy Tab 10.1 on the back of its iPad-like looks, but a judge in Britain isn?t biting at Apple?s claims of design infringement: he says that rather than aping Apple?s looks, Samsung?s tablets are just monkeying around with a style that simply isn?t as awesome as the iPad?s.

?(Galaxy tablets) do not have the same understated and extreme simplicity which is possessed by the Apple design,? Bloomberg reports Judge Colin Birss as saying. ?They are not as cool.?

Burn! Actually, maybe not; the harsh words were handed down alongside a ruling that says the Galaxy Tab?s comparative lack of cool means they aren?t likely to be confused with the iPad and don?t infringe on Apple?s design.

That?s not to say that the two tablets lack any similarities whatsoever: Birss admitted that the Galaxy Tab and the iPad look very much alike from the front, a detail that Apple?s case hinged upon. However, Birss said the Galaxy Tab?s slimmer design and detailing variations on the back and sides differentiate it from the iPad. ?A product made to the Apple design and of similar length would be about twice as thick as any of the Galaxy Tabs.?

Apple has three weeks to appeal the decision, which you can read in full here.

It?s a key ruling for Samsung, which recently had its Galaxy Tab 10.1 hit with a sales injunction in the United States. The company?s Galaxy Nexus phone was also hit with a pre-trial injunction for non-design-related infringement, but a court ruling this weekend temporarily lifted the ban.


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