Monday, August 8, 2011

Cracking the (bar) codes ? Near Field Communications / Smart mCommerce

Posted By Kenneth G. Mages,on August 7th,2011

Blogs2 new results for ?near field communications?
Visa?s Mobile Payments Strategy Rests on Three Legs | Mobile ?
By Gary Kim
Near field communications is one part of the foundation. The second part of the Visa?s mobile strategy involves the digital wallet and the mobile web. The third pillar of Visa?s mobile strategy is incorporating value-added services like ?
Mobile Marketing and Technology
L2:A Think Tank for Digital Innovation ? How Visa Plans To ?
By Lauren Proctor
For background,NFC (near field communications) enables people to make transactions,exchange digital content and connect electronic devices with a simple touch. As we?ve seen with Google Wallet,Android phones such as the Nexus S are ?
L2:A Think Tank for Digital Innovation
Web1 new result for ?near field communications?
Near Field Communication,NFC ?chip and pin,contactless,Electronic money,EMV,ISO/IEC 14443,MasterCard Paypass,mcommerce,mobile banking,Mobile payment,mobile wallet,Near Field Communication,Near Field Communications,NFC,NFC mobile,RFID,Visa Paywave ?

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