Sunday, August 28, 2011

Perryphobia (Politico)

A wave of fear has come over Washington ? and it?s not the earthquake or the hurricane. Self-appointed Republican elites, fretting Hill Republicans and left-wing carnival barkers all have one thing in common: Perryphobia.

It?s an acute condition, with different manifestations. But it has the same root cause ? arrogance toward Texas Gov. Rick Perry.

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Let?s start with the left, because that?s easy. Liberals ? roughly 20 percent of America, fortunately ? are generally very willing to tell you that they know more than you do. If you don?t believe that, try a field experiment today and you will see.

But liberals don?t just talk the talk, they walk the walk. They pursue policies that can put enlightened government people in charge of, well, just about everything. People cannot be trusted with their own money, or to make their own decisions ? we know better how to use it for the good of all.

Anyway, the arrogance of the left is easy to prove. And it is even easier to prove that they are in full-out Perryphobia. A random sampling of left-wing oracles this week produces these gems: Ed Shultz calls him a racist; Rachael Maddow says he wants to ?lynch? Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, and Chris Matthews insists that ?he looks like a clown.?

Now for Hill Republicans, whoever they are. A Politico story, ?Rick Perry?s loose lips worry Hill Republicans? put Perryphobia on full display.

Humorously, it is quite likely that the congressmen and staffers quoted in the article believed that they were in some way injuring Perry?s chances. Even funnier, the colorful Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) warned Perry of the danger of words. Google his name and see what you find.

Let?s get this straight ? with Congress being as popular as cholera, they think they are going to hurt Perry?s chances by dissing him? Really? Congress is at an all-time low, according to a new Gallup poll, with only 13 percent of Americans approving of ?the way Congress is handling its job.?

The fact is that a candidate seeking support from actual humans who vote would be smart to distance him or herself from Congress ? and cholera.

My old boss Haley Barbour, now Mississippi governor and former Republican National Committee chairman, used to tell candidates he is advising, ?I?ll help you however I can, even if that means attacking you.? Maybe that?s what they are doing?

It has become fashionable in Capitol Hill Republican circles to say, ?I?m just not sure that America is ready for another Texas governor.?

Who knows? Time will tell.


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