Sunday, August 14, 2011

Having Multiple Dance Teachers |

There are many people that are teaching locking these days. You have to go to a class to learn locking most of the time but there are also now locking tutorials online.

When you learn a new move or sequence from a teacher your aim should be to acquire new knowledge. Remember that different dance teachers dance differently.

Many teachers have biases about the way things should be done. One teacher may disagree with another teacher. You should try and filter through this and aim to learn how to do the moves.

Later on once you are more inhabited in the locking way of moving, you can start deciding for yourself what artistic choices you want to make. These choices will not necessarily be the same ones that your teachers would make.

Retain your original ideas whilst learning from different teachers and see what knowledge you might be able to glean from them to make yourself a better dancer.


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