Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Five W's of Travel Insurance | Design with Joe

10:03 pm Insurance

Travel insurance is a plan that covers you when the unthinkable happens. Insurance is for all the ?what ifs? and the ?it could happens? in life. Vacations and business travels are away from home and mostly out of our control, and plenty of unexpected things happen every day.

Who needs travel insurance? Anyone who is planning a vacation or travel outside of their home country should purchase travel insurance. Travel insurance covers families and groups traveling overseas such as: vacations, cruises, guided tours, missions groups, or those going to help with natural disasters.

What does travel insurance and?Kanetix insurance companies cover ? There are policies that cover everything from the basics of medical emergencies and unplanned travel cancellations, to policies that cover everything. If you can think of the emergency, there is most likely a plan to cover it, though the more dangerous incidents will obviously are more costly.

Where can I use travel insurance? Travel insurance policies cover almost anywhere in the world except places of war, political unrest, and those areas that have had recent terrorist activity. Also, traveling to dangerous places, similar to Japan?s recent nuclear threats, coverage may be limited. It is best to?follow this link to thoroughly research the different policies to make sure you are covered where you plan to travel.

When should I purchase travel insurance? Most companies require that you purchase your policy 30-60 from when you made your first vacation deposit.

Why purchase travel insurance? It brings peace of mind, and when unthinkable happens, you will be prepared.


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