Saturday, June 25, 2011

appBlaster iPhone Augmented Reality Gaming Gun Controller (video ...

If you would like to become a little more?involved?with your iPhone gaming experience the new appBlaster augmented reality iPhone gaming gun will definitely help you.

Simply?slot in your iPhone and power up compatible games available for the appBlaster and enjoy. The ?apptoyz alien attack? app is available now, for free, from the app store, in a beta version with the final release arriving on 6th July.

The appBlaster is fitted with a couple of plastic fingers with pads on the ends which touch the iPhone screen when you squeeze the trigger simulating your fingers. Movement is controlled by the gyroscope and motion sensors?within the iPhone. Watch a video after the jump to see the appBlaster in action.

appblaster iphone gun

The appBlaster is lightweight and requires no batteries to be used,?the shoulder stock can also be removed to give you a shorter gun depending on your preference. Its compatible with the?iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, and iPod Touch (4th Gen).

The appBlaster is soon to be released and will start shipping on 6th July and is currently?available to pre-order for ?20 around $32 from the online store?Red5.


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