Wednesday, June 8, 2011

I play U14 soccer. I was wondering is it legal ... - Criminal Law Bolg

Question by Chris B: we fool around U14 soccer. we was wondering is it authorised to wear SG Nike Vapors with a steel tip?
I fool around U14 soccer. we was wondering is it authorised to wear SG Nike Vapors with a steel tip? Also wondering is it great to wear a SG for all a time or only get a FG?

Best answer:

Answer by Alex F
no, since there have been no steel tips authorised since steel tips can harm someone.

What do we think? Answer below!
World Health Organization Agency Says Cell Phones Could Cause Cancer
Cell phones have been right away in a same catagory as engine exhaust, lead, a insecticide DDT as well as chloroform, according to a International Agency for Research upon Cancer.
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