Friday, June 24, 2011

Business Management Tip: Don't Neglect Your Moral Authority ...

As more and more professionals, such as doctors and dentists, get introverted into the mechanics of how to have a successful practice, and thus engaging in all kinds of healthcare and dental marketing, they have forgotten the most important power of their business: Moral Authority. In the world or workplace, real power is the moral authority you have, not the technology or weapon power. It?s understandable why business owners forget this. I am the first to admit that it is easy to forget, as it seems so imperative to have superior technology and professional skills in any business.

It is the ?moral authority? that has more power than all the technical skills and years of experience a person has. What is moral authority?? It just means that your moral image that you portray to the world is strong and unbending. Being known for a person who stands for certain virtues, being known for a person who gives help with no vested interest in mind, being known for a person with certain ethical standards ? this perceived image alone will attract enough people to you and your business and thus make it safe for people to trust you with your recommendations.

While there are many ways to portray this image inside your business by a great customer service department, the most important way to portray it is outside your business by getting involved in your community.

I have been advising dentists and doctors to not try to put out ads that talk about their diplomas. People are not looking to do business with a sleek sales person or a doctor with 10 diplomas and 50 years of experience. People want to do business with people they like and trust.

Begin by doing something to improve your community.? Whether it?s helping the elderly, the poor, supporting schools and children, anything that makes a positive impact on your community will make a big difference for your business. (This article is not here to sell any program but you can find some free ideas at our Un-Advertising blog.)

The personal likable dentist will always get more business, will always be able to charge more for his service than the technically perfect, but socially not well-known ( and thus not well-liked) doctor. And that?s the way it is. Even if this dentist does online dental marketing, he still needs to portray through his web sites or videos etc that he is not only into ?making money? but he is there to provide real education to the public on dental health (not just superficial descriptions of what he is selling.)

It is all about perception. It is the perception people have about you that counts, and this perception must be about 5,000 times stronger than you think it should be.

If you think that your authority, your reputation, your being recognized is great, but you are not having all the good paying customers to fill your business to the rim, then the perception of the people around you about you being an authority is not strong enough.

Presidents are elected, doctors, lawyers and car mechanics are hired, and spouses are picked, by their character ? or by their perceived moral image.

Did you know that Harvard University?s MBA program does not admit any students who have no record of participating actively in social and community activities?

Check it out ? the Dean of Harvard has talked about this in an interview on a Charlie Rose show.

Remember: In any profession like a dentist, for instance, do not depend only on traditional dentist marketing to ?convince? a prospect to come to you. Establish a strong moral authority in your practice through letting the community know about your good work and let them spread the word-of-mouth for you. We called this ?Un-Advertising?. You will see that attracting a higher quality customer pool would not be so difficult once you have established that moral image through the help of other powerful entities around your business.



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