Sunday, June 19, 2011

Book Review ? happily married with children

With 25 years experience in marriage counseling, a husband and two children behind him, Dr. Carol Ummel Lindquist is an expert when it comes to a marriage goes with or without children. His latest book, happily married with children is a step-by-step guide for the fantasy of a perfect wedding a reality.

"The current high standards lead to lower standards for the parents for the marriage," says Lindquist. "The irony of these conflicting rules isthat with a healthy marriage is a great gift for your children and yourself. "His goal is to educate parents, happily married or not, about how to benefit the development and maintenance of relationships that their entire family.

In happily married with children, teaches Lindquist mothers and fathers to avoid "the real Parent Trap," the exhaustion and destruction, manage conflicts and improve communication with spouse and children, better to stay friends with your spouse, family and work Enjoy yourChild and the other at any age, to revive their sex life again, to find humor in difficult and time each day for themselves and their marriage.

Each of the book's four sections is divided into sections with chapters that deal with honesty and sincerity, with various aspects of marriage and parenthood, such as developing a support system in Marriage, "Support networks: needs There is a village to shelter your wedding, "you get to know your spouse after the birth of your child:" Who It is this person I married? "The separation of moving because of work or other stress factors" when traveling Parent Fight the windows are open "and without hurting each other not to." "

Summaries and bullet points in each section and key words in bold in each chapter break to digest the blocks. A pinch of comic books and personal stories of family Lindquist and his experiences make this book a consultation call and add a little "Humor> with a subject that many couples make more, please keep it on the bedside table or enjoy morning coffee and engaging enough to pull even in the cautious reader.

Where most self-help books suggest important revisions behavior, Lindquist recommended that for small changes and setting goals with your partner to reduce tensions and the communication time. Lindquist says in the first chapters, that one of the most important things you can doYour wedding is to ensure that you and your spouse are 20 uninterrupted minutes of talk time or cuddle all day and some "date time" every week.

It also shows that couples set aside in the "personal time" in order to family problems weekly, monthly and quarterly work, without affecting your special time together. Lindquist also worksheets that will begin and your spouse, with family conflicts and deal to make decisions.

In addition to sharing his wisdomand experiences in each chapter, refers Lindquist, to the books he has read on marriage and parenthood. After the last chapter, which includes a comprehensive recommended list of books, articles, videos and websites, including those cited in the text.

Lindquist tone is light and fun, is it a to earth approach to marriage, happily married with children, a book is never preachy and always encourages couples to try new things and for otherResources. A happy marriage should not be more than just a fairy tale. Lindquist shows that it is possible to make the transition from partnership to parenthood, without the intimacy you and your spouse shares cast and shows how couples who are close and the relationship to repair the damage at each level to get it back.


In happily married with children, Dr. Carol Ummel Lindquist recommend these books:

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families: Building a beautiful family culturea turbulent world of Stephen Covey and Sandra Merrill Covey

Seven principles for a marriage work: A practical guide for expert opinion of the whole country by John Mordechai Gottman and Nan Silver

Five Love Languages: How to express the commitment of my heart for your partner by Gary Chapman

Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples Harville Hendrix, the

The divorce remedy: the proven 7-step program to save the marriage by Michele Weiner Davis

Fortunately,Married with children
Carol Ummel Lindquist, Ph.D.
Paperback 14.00/trade
Berkley Publishing Group


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