Sunday, May 22, 2011

Custom Medallions Mark Achievement For Marathoners

Many people would like to train for and run in a marathon. These events demonstrate skill and willpower. Individual runners participate in a long-distance running race consisting of 26 miles and 385 yards. Marathoners train for months to get their bodies in the condition needed to complete the event. In addition to daily stretching and running, they also follow a strict diet.

All of their hard work eventually pays off because marathoners earn custom medallions for their efforts. These items serve as a symbol of hope and accomplishment. First time marathoners can look back at their experience and be proud of their achievement. Long time runners can celebrate a faster finish time or record breaking event. That's what marathon medallions are for?bringing out the best in every athlete.

What Makes a Custom Medallion Special?

Many people are unaware of the different features that make custom medallions special. Here are just a few to think about it:

Medallions are single sided unlike challenge coins which are typically double sided.
Medallions have a loop on the top of them so they can hang off a chain or ribbon and be worn around the neck.
Medallions are larger and thicker than the average challenge coin.

Like other custom items, you get to choose what images and text to include on your marathon medallions. This can be an logo or a photograph as well as the location and date of the event. Including this information in your design helps make the medallions collector's items. Everyone that participates in the marathon will feel encouraged to run again once they are given their unique award.

Other Ways to Make Your Medallion Stand Out

Here are a few additional ways to make your marathon medallions stand out:

3D Images. Make your images look even more realistic.
Dual Plating. Have the best of both worlds by include two different colors of plating.
Cut Outs. Add depth and emphasis to different areas of your medallion by removing metal.
Silk Screen. Include details that wouldn't ordinarily be possible any other way by silk screening words, phrases, and names.

Medallions are a great way to honor athletes. Because they can be worn around the neck, they are the type of award item that people love and cherish forever.


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