Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Do you dislike selling land/lots? - Real Estate Forum

Some agents specialize in land or lots. I do not dislike selling land, lots, houses, homes, condos, townhomes, mobile homes, commercial real estate, etc etc etc! So to answer your question: NO. Not all agents dislike selling land and not all like selling land. Some love it, some hate it. Every agent is different.

That being said, I have seen agents list land that you know the agent never walked and probably did not get out of their car to take a picture. heck sometimes there isn't even a picture of the land, not that a serious buyer can really tell much about a tract of land from a picture. A serious buyer is going to want to see the tract of land in person.

There is not a discount built in to any of the land I have listed just because it is land. The list price is based upon recently sold comparable tracts of land. You should make your offers based upon the price of comparable properties that recently sold.

Source: http://www.realestateforum.com/ask-realtor/22590-do-you-dislike-selling-land-lots.html

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