Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Customer Service in the Limo Industry: 5 Tips for Chauffers

As the owner of a Limousine Business, you know just how much competition there is out there. With dozens of driving service companies in each city, how can you make your business stand out?

The answer is Customer Service.

Your business?s goal should be to go above and beyond the expectations of your patrons to create a memorable experience ensuring that the next time they need a limousine service, yours is the first and only name on their list.

The goal of Customer Service is to create Customer Loyalty.

So how do you do this? How do you make sure that your employees are representing your company in a way that fosters Customer Loyalty? The following topics are important things for each of your drivers to know and to work by.

1. The First Impression

Customers expect Limousine Drivers to maintain a high level of professionalism with their appearance. Indeed, Limousine Services are considered a luxury, and it is only fitting that the chauffeurs? appearance and hygiene reflect the formality of this industry. If your company does not currently require a uniform, it may be a good idea to choose a uniform or at least create a specific dress code. Suits are standard, but there are many ways to personalize uniforms so they stand out. For example, you could incorporate the company logo with embroidery or have each driver wear the same color pocket square. The idea is to create an intentional ?image? for your drivers, so customers know what they can expect each time they use your service. Also, make sure that drivers are not wearing overpowering perfumes or colognes that may bother clients sitting in a closed vehicle.

2. Vehicle Cleanliness

The next impression the customer will get of your company is the interior of your vehicle. Obviously, before each trip, limousines should be thoroughly cleaned, but it is also important that each time the client steps into the vehicle, it should look and smell just as clean as the first time. Drivers should use idle time spent waiting to freshen up the limo?s appearance. Choose a signature air freshener scent to use in each of your vehicles as another way to unify your company brand. Avoid choosing heavy invasive scents? you want the vehicle to smell light, fresh and, above all, clean.

3. Interaction

Your drivers should be friendly in their communication with clients, but should also remain tactful and professional. Drivers should show genuine concern in responding to clients needs and requirements and do everything possible to meet specific requests. The number one rule in customer interactions is to remember to smile! Even though the passengers may not be able to see the driver?s smile, they will be able to hear it in their voice, which can make all the difference.

4. Cell Phone Usage

Other than making passengers feel neglected, using a cell phone while driving is a safety issue and is now illegal in several states including New York, Maryland and Washington D.C. Above all, clients expect to feel safe while being transported by a limousine service. Make it your company policy that driver cell phones must be turned to vibrate with drivers using wireless ear pieces when the vehicle is on. Only urgent business calls should be accepted. Personal calls should be strictly forbidden.

5. Time Management

In addition to the expectation of safety, clients also expect to arrive at their destination on time. Routes should be planned out ahead of time, with several different options in case of a detour or other extenuating circumstances. It is always better to arrive early, so plan to leave extra time to account for traffic, detours, etc.

If you are interested in purchasing a limousine company or wish to expand your current fleet, customer service will play a crucial role in the future success of your new investment. The Tenney Group offers invaluable knowledge and experience in the limousine industry. They offer accurate limo business valuations, selling and buying expertise, and an extensive list of qualified sellers and buyers.

Related posts:

  1. Customer Service?The Way I See It
  2. When Selling a Transportation Business, Keep These Tips in Mind for Success
  3. Choosing a Licensed Arborist ? Quality Tree Service
  4. What to Expect as a New Limousine Business Owner


i am gibson tcs xanadu ubc

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