Saturday, May 21, 2011

Teach critical and creative thinking in global education market set

I just read a critical thinker's Guide to Educational mode, which was published by the Foundation for critical thinking. In it the authors discuss the essential idea of ??the different "mode" education, education proper use and possible misuse probability of each. The fashion ranges from the choice of school and Socratic questions of the integrated curriculum. Three of these trends was to me the importance of ideas that must be considered in more detail ? and together as an educationalStrategy.

Critical thinking

I believe that the critical thinking of the most important fashion is discussed, as is metacognition (thinking about thinking). If we think that the critical reason to evaluate, assess and solve problems, to the best that we can think of to produce. If you think critically, speak and we listen with empathy, taking into account all the factors to consider with an open mind to observe more closely, to stick by a smart idea to completion. Schools should teachcritical thinking, because this skill alone could reach us through every situation in life, which we are facing.

I have not learned how to think critically in school ? were you? We use critical thinking throughout the school (the conduct of scientific experiments, writing papers), but most of us are not taught specifically how and why it is important to think critically. We need to teach students how these skills by testing how to develop good study habits and more set-master. Most student confusiontheir way through and develop these skills and competencies on their own. Consider how much more successful than it would be, if we only need the right tools.

Educational Fads suggests the idea of ??teaching history as historical thinking, biology as biological thinking. Instead of storing our President presidencies should analyze students in the historical context. Set the number of students who might be fascinated with science, has taught in this way. Our schools tend to teach inso fragmented that the concepts of maximum isolation rather than integrated into a broader context.

The citizens of the global world of today must be able to think critically, to communicate effectively with others and in cooperation with various sectors of life. We must learn to live with people of very different cultures, where the view is different and diverse backgrounds to communicate.

Creative thinking

real creativity on the basis of criticalthought, and as the authors Educational mode is something creative not just because it's different. Creativity means "outside the box" thinking to solve a problem, to create something new, something different has been done before. Just think creatively, we only get that far. Creative thinking must be combined to produce striking results, with critical thinking to much.

Creative spark of imagination to think in a unique way of doing things, the solutionProblems ? even in interaction with others in ways that do not meet these. The creativity and imagination enables us to fathom the concept of the Internet putting a man on the moon, which connects the humanity through this thing called inventing silly shoes called Crocs.

Member Folk Lore FedEx founder Fred Smith received a C on a paper explained the basis for his idea of ??FedEx. Smith describes his thoughts as a teachable moment, but as a simple observation. He described hisThinking process in a 2007 interview:

"As a company automated, as people began to put computers in banks to cancel checks ? as employees ? or people began to put sophisticated electronics in the plane -. companies and producers in the company would have an automated system logistic completely different" (From 6 May 2007 blog post: Interview with FedEx founder Fred Smith ? Yale University)

Fred Smith has taught to think creatively and critically? If hewas not, was certainly doing it for themselves. His idea began in a creative way, but was followed by critical thinking, to turn the idea into reality in a credible and sustainable and has been designed with a global perspective, and if not, FedEx may not be the company it is today ? or not. This is the kind of creative thinking, with the critical thinking that our schools need to teach our students how to be combined to do it. Instead of them a problem to solve That might be a logical solution, we must balance the critical and creative thinking challenges, new ways for a solution or a single solution that would not otherwise seek to achieve, as has Mr. Smith ? as so many innovators.

Global Education

Educational Fads describes how a global curriculum designed by a global perspective. In our increasingly diverse culture, who lives in a global community increasingly open globalEducation> is essentially involved for this and all future generations ? in an age of nuclear capabilities, terrorism, and growing more diverse pool of prospective customers, the community have a voice in the world.

Our schools serve as a microcosm of the larger world, and educators need to prepare our children from an early age, not only accept, but covers the differences of the individual ? their differences in appearance, thought, religion, ethnic origin, background,and much more. We need to teach students to think about their classrooms, their communities, even as a global perspective, to learn from the world, the new concepts and new ideas, new perspectives, new ways of looking at different aspects.

We live in the United States at a disadvantage for most of the physical world, as they are separated by many miles apart and have preconceived ideas about the world, in many cases wrong or defective, due in part to ourLack of critical thinking and especially because our physical separation, emotional and intellectual from the rest of the world's population. As the world approaches because of the technological advances that allow us to video conference with people around the world with the push of a button and their products from the most remote corners of the world with the click of a mouse, everyone must check their egos at the door enough to address positions that are We do not agree, and empathize with others "Insights, perspectives and knowledge.

If educators around the world embraced the idea of education teaching critical thinking and creativity in a global context, future generations learn the importance of diversity, empathy and justice ? which allows us, educated citizens of the world think of our world that are out and the problems that face us as a divided civilization.


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