Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Holistic pregnancy, healthy pregnancy, pregnancy exercise ...

Holistic pregnancy, healthy pregnancy, pregnancy exercise, pregnancy diet, pregnancy nutritionHow to Defy the Baby-Weight Myth AND Attain Holisitc Health for You and Your Baby with this All-New Fitness and Nutrition Breakthrough?.

I know this is an exciting time for you. I?m sure everyone is rushing to give you advice ?bear with me because I have something exciting to share with you?

For a moment, think about a mom who just breezed through their pregnancy. You never heard them complain and they always seemed to glow. Sure, they had some tough days ? but it seemed they were able to take it in stride.

Here?s the amazing part ? they probably looked better AFTER their pregnancy then before! Now, you may have mixed feelings about this ? right? Part of you wants to scratch the goodie-two-shoes eye out (we?re being honest here!); the other part of you wants her secret!

But first, I want you to take a deep breath and try to forget about the pregnancy horror stories you?ve heard. Yes, your body will be going through some incredible and exhausting changes. Yes, you will have mornings that you wish you could stay in bed?

My name is Laura Flynn. My friend and fellow coach Michelle Ladd and I have some exciting news for you?but first let me tell you a bit about my story.

I?m passionate about your health. I?ve spent my career as a nutritionist uncovering ways for women to manage their health and feel great at the same time! I don?t believe that fitness and nutrition should be torture. I also know you are busy (and are about to get a lot busier!).

When I first learned I was pregnant I quickly became obsessed with my nutrition. I wanted my baby to be healthy. I didn?t want to be shackled by my own belly! And, I didn?t want to spend years losing my baby weight.

Here?s the problem. All of the books I read (and I studied dozens of them) just didn?t feel right. Some put me on a diet that would have made a Billy goat puke! Others were just plain wrong (even dangerous).

I work out regularly and didn?t want to get soft on my routine. But I also didn?t want to be unsafe. So I needed what I call a ?goldilocks workout? Not too hard, not too soft ? but just right.

I had enough. I decided to use my 11 years of diet and nutrition expertise to create my own program.

Michelle is a respected Exercise Physiologist, trainer, and holistic lifestyle coach. I call her the ?Girl Whisperer.? she understands in her bones what it takes to keep women healthy and incredibly fit. Her clients look amazing (and no they didn?t start out that way).

She is tenacious and a fitness encyclopedia. When we sat down to craft a ?Pregnancy Friendly Nutrition and Fitness? regimen, we both were blown away by what we created.

The best part is that it wasn?t theory. I immediately put our new regimen to work in my day-to-day routine.

Not only was my pregnancy easier than I imagined (minimal morning sickness, great energy level, no stiff joints, or swelling), I also created healthy habits that erased my recurring constipation and hypoglycemia.

Here?s what you?ve been waiting for. With Michelle?s blend of strength, cardio and stretching exercises I only gained 29 pounds.

I ended up at 75kg, 10kg / 22 lbs total preggy gain, AMAZING and I couldn?t have done it without you!! THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. I taught up to 6 days prior to my due date and felt great for it, I continued to walk for a few more days also. I am down 7kg from the day I had him at 75kg, 68kg, so sitting just 3kg above my pre-pregnancy weight of 65kg!!!!!

Everyone is saying I look very well, no puffiness, skin is great etc. I am soooo proud to say I have fed bubs so well and I couldn?t have done it without you, THANK YOU!!" Shar Twyman Perth, Australia

"As an experienced fitness professional, I thought I knew everything about pregnancy exercise and pregnancy nutrition. How wrong I was! The FHP Guide opened my eyes to key changes that made a huge difference in the way I look and feel. Even in the late stages of my pregnancy, I felt functionally strong, in great posture, and without the aches and pains that so many of my pregnant friends think is normal.

The combination of her traditional dietetics education, extensive studies in natural and alternative health and nutrition, real-world experience as a working mom, and her "tell it like it is" personality, make for an inspirational role model and coach."

"As a new mom-to-be, and working full time, I really needed a practical and easy to follow program to keep me and my growing baby healthy. The Fit and Healthy Pregnancy Guide gave me all of that and more! It helped me to gain only an optimal, healthy amount of weight and deliver a beautiful baby boy."

"As a pregnant mother of an eleven-year old boy, it was hard for me to find the time to eat "right". Laura?s FHP book gave me direction by helping me understand the benefits of eating better, but also how EASY it can be. After the birth of my daughter, I maintained a high energy level while nursing with the right quality foods, and it helped me to lose weight while still giving my baby proper nourishment. The awesome guidance that Laura has provided has been invaluable to my family and me. Her passion and insight on real healthy eating can benefit every mother and child."

"?Fit and Healthy Pregnancy? has terrific advice for all levels of fitness. As a marathon runner, I thought I was in pretty good shape before I became pregnant; however, The Fit and Healthy Pregnancy Guide pointed out some much needed changes to my fitness routine. I also used the nutrition section as a guide for my? Read?more?

Source: http://hotreviews.com/holistic-pregnancy-healthy-pregnancy-pregnancy-exercise-pregnancy-diet-pregnancy-nutrition/

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