Thursday, May 19, 2011

Immigration / Toronto : Skilled immigrants help companies grow ...

?New research shows skilled immigrants help companies grow globally and locally ? New numbers back up the business case for hiring skilled immigrants.? says the Press Release the same day as the Fraser Institute release a report saying that recent immigrants cost an estimate of $16.3G to $23.6 G annually.

TRIEC according to its mission, ?creates and champions solutions to better integrate skilled immigrants in the Greater?. It has ?engaged EKOS to survey employers about their hiring practices of newcomers. According to the results, one in five employers has hired a skilled immigrant to help them expand globally and locally, and feels that employees with international education and experience are effective in helping them meet their business goals. Futermore, 93% of those employers who hired a skilled immigrant ?to help diversify their company?s client base globally; feel the skilled immigrants hired have been effective on helping on this front.?

??This research confirms that hiring immigrants to expand into local and global markets can be an effective business strategy for employers,? says Elizabeth McIsaac, TRIEC?s executive director. ?We know there is a strong business case for employing skilled immigrants and these findings prove it.??

SkillsInfo?s Post on the Fraser Institute?s Report @ : Immigration / Fiscal Burden / Canada : Recent immigrants cost an estimate of $16.3G to $23.6 G annually

Source & details @ :

Press Release

Facts Sheet of the Survey Results

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